214 examples of everard in sentences

Cyril now an East End curate, and Henry Everard, M.D., going by rail to Malbourne.

Everard wakes; Cyril suddenly becomes gay in response to his friend's high spirits.

Cyril preaches to Everard, when Henry scolds him for fasting, and his laxity of faith and practice.

They pass Belminster, when Cyril betrays unconscious ambition at Everard's jesting prophecy that he would preach as bishop in the cathedral.

Asceticism is defended by Cyril and condemned by Everard.

he says at last, to Everard's indignation.

Lee is convinced of Everard's guilt.

II.Sin-Engendered Sin It is a lovely winter's day, and Cyril, Lilian, and Everard are walking through the woods at the back of Lee's cottage.

Before luncheon Everard changes the grey suit he was wearing, and had stained in a muddy ditch.

Next day, Cyril, in great mental anguish, goes to Admiral Everard's house, and incidentally puts to a brother clergyman there a case of conscience: Should a man who has acted unwisely, and is guilty of unintentional homicide, imperil a useful and brilliant career by confession?

In the meantime, Ben Lee's death is by many being imputed to Everard, who is quite unconscious of these suspicions.

He admitted that Everard gave him money and tobacco.

At five o'clock two rectory maids saw Everard run in by the back door and upstairs, followed by the cat; he made no reply when Miss Maitland spoke to him.

A handkerchief of Everard's was found in the wood, also a stick he had been seen with in the morning.

Coming out, he hears that Alma has declared Everard is the man who was with her father when he met his death in the struggle she heard while outside the copse.

This part of the story concludes with the reception of this news by Lilian and Cyril, whose unintentional neglect has caused the miscarriage of a letter that would have enabled Henry to escape. IV."I Will Confess my Wickedness" Everard is free, and, wearing the grey suit of a discharged prisoner, is travelling from Dartmoor to London by train.

She cannot die, she writes, till she has cleared Everard.

Everard pities him; he feels that his own eighteen years' sufferings were nothing in comparison with Cyril's secret tortures.

Everard writes him a letter that night, saying he has long known and forgiven all; he asks Cyril to use his own secret repentance and unspoken agony for the spiritual help of others.

My great-grandfather sir Everard, was displeased with his second son, and the dissension led my grandfather to the province of Carolina.

EVERARD (Colonel Markham), of the Commonwealth party.

Master Everard, the colonel's father.

UPJOHN, EVERARD M. Richard Upjohn, architect and churchman.

Everard M. Upjohn (A); 4Jan67; R402060.

Passing inside of Haggerstone Island, we rounded Sir Everard Home's group and anchored under Sunday Island, where the Bramble joined us after a month's absence.

214 examples of  everard  in sentences