9 examples of fourberie in sentences

The stratagem of the feigned Turkish ship capturing the yacht is a happy extension of a hint from the famous galley scene (Que diable allait-il faire à cette galère?), Act ii, 7, Les Fourberies de Scapin.

What is practically a translation of Les Fourberies de Scapin by Otway, was produced at the Duke's Theatre in 1677, and in the same year Ravenscroft included a great part of it in his Scaramouch a Philosopher, Harlequin a Schoolboy, Bravo, Merchant, and Magician.

Géronte's reiterated complaint 'Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère?'Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671), ii, VII; and the phrase in Cyrano de Bergerac's Le Pédant Joué (1654): 'Ha! que diable, que diable aller faire en cette galère?...

I have seen too, Les Plaideurs of Racine and Les fourberies de Scapin of Molière, both exceedingly well given; particularly the scene in the latter wherein it is announced to Géronte that his son had fallen into the hands of a Turkish corsair, and his answer "Que diable allait-il faire dans la galère?

Of Molière I had already seen the Avare, the Femmes savantes and the Fourberies de Scapin.

CLA'RA, in Otway's comedy called The Cheats of Scapin, an English version of Les Fourberies de Scapin, by Molière, represents the French character called "Hyacinthe."

Shadwell borrowed his Miser from Molière, and Otway made versions of Racine's Bèrènice and Molière's Fourberies de Scapin.

FRIPONNERIE, f., action de fripon; fourberie.

Penseroit-on que je serai peut-être obligée de me remarier pour échapper à la fourberie et aux services intéressés de mes domestiques? LISETTE.

9 examples of  fourberie  in sentences