26 examples of glisters in sentences

<Shine, beam, gleam, glisten, glister, glitter, glare, flare, flash, sparkle, twinkle, dazzle, glimmer, glow, radiate, scintillate, coruscate>.

my light-in-vain-expecting eyes Can find no objects but what rise From this poor mortal blaze, a dying spark Of Vulcan's forge, whose flames are dark, A dangerous, dull, blue-burning light, As melancholy as the night: Here's all the suns that glister in the sphere Of earth: Ah me!

A thing to be taken in a glister-pipe? Cor.

All is not Gold that Glisters, by Samuel Rowley and Henry Chettle, March 1600.

I think a glister were better.

"All that glisters is not gold, Often have you heard that told; Many a man his life hath sold, But my outside to behold.

These are made of straw, stiffened by great heat, and so well polished, that they glister in the sun like a mirror or well polished helmet.

And barke out flames, as if on fire he fed, Adowne whose necke, in terrible array, Ten thousand snakes, cralling about his hed, Doo hang in heapes, that horribly affray, And bloodie eyes doo glister firie red, 350 He oftentimes me dreadfullie doth threaten With painfull torments to be sorely beaten.

Presently the watcher perceived that a myriad spider-webs filled the sunshine with a delicate dancing glister.

V. shine, glow, glitter; glister, glisten; twinkle, gleam; flare, flare up; glare, beam, shimmer, glimmer, flicker, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, flash, blaze; be bright &c adj.; reflect light, daze, dazzle, bedazzle, radiate, shoot out beams; fulgurate.

I know that in your hands the Independent Republican Press is a weapon to defend truth and justice, a torch lit at the fire of immortality, a spark of which glisters in every man's soul and proves its divine origin: and as the cause of my country is just and true, and wants nothing but light to secure support from every friend of freedom, every noble-minded man,for this reason I address you with joy, gentlemen.

He sees yet but the outside of the world and men, and conceives them, according to their appearing, glister, and out of this ignorance believes them.

CHAPTER 16 THE JEWEL All that glisters is not goldShakespeare

Her hair, of too dead a black for gloss or glister, was always adorned with a nasturtium-vine, whose vivid flames seemed like some personal emanation, and whose odor, acrid and single, dispersed a character about her; and the only ornaments she condescended to assume were of Etruscan gold, severely simple in design, elaborately intricate in workmanship.

When at last we reached them the wicked glister of their purple flanks seemed like a volcanic upheaval of the plain.

undeceived, Know one false step is ne'er retrieved, And be with caution bold: Not all that tempts your wandering eyes, And heedless hearts, is lawful prize, Nor all that glisters gold.

"Shak. "Away, and glister like the god of war."Id.

Ladies and washed, and curld; perfum'd, and taken Glisters, for feare a flaw of wind might over-take 'em, loose theis, and all theire expectations? l. 19.

It was one of the sunniest days of early spring; the air was pure and delicious, and the calm sea breeze, just strong enough to make the sea flame and glister in the warm sunlight, was exhilarating as new wine.

The Seasons of the year find no fond Parents, yet some are arm'd in silver Ice that glisters, and some in gawdy Green come in like Masquers.

I've so much on't And am so loaden with strong understanding, I fear, they'l run me mad, here's a new instrument, A metamatical glister to purge the Moon with, When she is laden with cold flegmatick humours, And here's another to remove the Stars, When they grow too thick in the Firmament.

The seasons of the yeare find no fond parents, Yet some are arm'd in silver Ice that glisters, And sovne in gawdy green come in like Masquers: The Silk-worme spines her owne suit and her lodging, And has no aid nor partner in her labours: Why should we care for any thing but knowledge, Or look upon the world but to contemne it?

Poor Shepherd in this shade for ever lye, And seeing thy fair Clorins Cabin, dye: 0 hapless love, which [being] answer'd, ends; And as a little infant cryes and bends His tender Brows, when rowling of his eye He hath espy'd some thing that glisters nigh Which he would have, yet give it him, away He throws it straight, and cryes afresh to play With something else: such my affection, set On that which I should loath, if I could get.

" Brings his horse his eldest sister, And the next his arms, which glister, Whilst the third, with childish prattle, Cries, "when wilt return from battle?" "Fill thy hand with sands, ray blossom!

When Gray, for instance, points the moral to his poem on Walpole's cat with a reminder to the fair that all that glisters is not gold, Johnson remarks that this is 'of no relation to the purpose; if what glistered had been gold, the cat would not have gone into the water; and, if she had, would not less have been drowned.'

26 examples of  glisters  in sentences