33 examples of horsa in sentences

Only thirty years agoyet to-day Nature has so completely taken it all back to herself that the hush of a long-vanished antiquity is upon it, and the turfy burial mound of some Hengist and Horsa could not be more silent.

They owned as lords Hengist and Horsa, two brethren of mighty stature, and of outland speech.

In this place Vortiger, the king's son, and Horsa the Saxon, contended so fiercely in combat, body to body, that each did the other to death, according to his desire.

p. 8.] Hengist and Horsa, two brothers, possessed great credit among the Saxons, and were much celebrated both for their valour and nobility.

But Hengist and Horsa perceiving, from their easy victory over the Scots and Picts, with what facility they might subdue the Britons themselves, who had not been able to resist those feeble invaders, were determined to conquer and fight for their own grandeur, not for the defence of their degenerate allies.

The vices and pusillanimity of Vortigern, the British leader, were a new ground of hope; and the Saxons in Germany, following such agreeable prospects, soon reinforced Hengist and Horsa with 5000 men, who came over in seventeen vessels.

In one battle, however, fought at Eaglesford, now Ailsford, Horsa, the Saxon general, was slain, and left the sole command over his countrymen in the hands of Hengist.

The first landing was probably by a tribe of Jutes, under chiefs called by the chronicle Hengist and Horsa.

Landing of Hengist and | Horsa in Britain | | 477.

Hengist and Horsa, invited by Vortigern, King of Britons, landed in Britain, on the shore which is called Wappidsfleet; at first in aid of the Britons, but afterwards they fought against them." "806.

Clive and Hastings, Drake and Raleigh, Hengest and Horsa, walked with him.

But the latter were too busy fighting the Huns to send troops, and in desperation the Britons formed an alliance with Hengist and Horsa, two Saxon travelling men who, in 449 A.D., landed on the island of Thanet, and thus ended the Roman dominion over Britain.


With the landing of Hengist and Horsa English history really begins, for Caesar's capture of the British Isles was of slight importance viewed in the light of fast-receding centuries.

Hengist and Horsa were not even legendary, for they left no legend.

But nobody could imagine what was obligatory on the representative of Horsa, unless it were to be horsy.

"A century from the time that Hengist and Horsa landed on the Isle of Thanet."Ib., p. 27.

"A century from the time when (or at which) Hengist and Horsa landed on the Isle of Thanet."Id.

Percy however, being of an unsnubbable disposition, tried again to find a way into Daisy's heart, and this time he brought Hengist and Horsa, two young seagulls that he had found derelict on the rocks, hoping that he would take a paternal interest in their loneliness; but, like his great prototype, Daisy clapped his glass to his sightless eye, and "I'm damned if I see them," he said.

My friend took this very quietly, merely observing that it was rather late in the day to take sides against Hengist and Horsa.

They have been a veritable Hengist and Horsa to more than one poultry farmer and owner of lambs.

It was founded by Horsa, the Saxon, about the year A.D. 450, to employ his soldiers while he was enslaved by the captivating chains of a lovely country girl, the daughter of a woodman in the forest.

The town was named after himself, Horsa, and the Saxon word Ham, signifying a home.

Horsa was killed in Kent, in a battle fought between the Britons and the Saxons, and was buried at Horsted, named also after him, Horsa, and Sted, signifying a place.

Horsa was killed in Kent, in a battle fought between the Britons and the Saxons, and was buried at Horsted, named also after him, Horsa, and Sted, signifying a place.

33 examples of  horsa  in sentences