199 examples of huffs in sentences

Repetition of rhythmic phrases has a great attraction, as in "Three Little Pigs," with its delightful repetition of "Little pig, little pig, let me come in," "No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin," "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.

if he soars aloft in unintelligible huffs!

But she soon offended the Mouse, first by mistaking its "long and sad tale" for a "long tail," and next by thinking it meant "knot" when it said "not," so that it went off in a huff.

I began to think they had taken huff and did not mean to come at all, as I had taken no notice of Astell's letter.

"Well," says Jack, in a huff, "I see no reason for any such haste; but if you will give me time to put on my breeches, you shall be paid all the same."

I kind o' calc'late 't won't pay to take the cretur's shoes 'n' hide off to-night,'n' the' won't be much iron on that hoss's huffs an haour after daylight, I'll bate ye a quarter.

Every huff [hoof] of living thing that was on the place, has been put on the Wright farm, in readiness for their owner, should he ever come to claim them.

If any one huffs Rover, (I ain't a very huffish man,) but I can tell you I shew them I don't like it, I let the creature lay at my feet at night, and I feed him myself and fondle him for the sake of him who loved him so.

I's neider huffs nor horns.

My mother's name before she married was Mary Adeline Huff.

My grandfather on my mother's side was named Huff.

But to-night Dame Niafer was fretted, because the pastry-cook was young Ruric's cousin, and was, she feared, as likely as not to fling off in a huff on account of Dom Manuel's having strangled the clerk.

She 'lowed Dan had had de nightmare; but w'en dey look' at de do', dey seed de marks er de mule's huffs, so dey could n' be no mistake 'bout w'at had happen'.

don't you suffer my lady to huff me every day as if I were her dog, or had no more concern with youI declare

I won't bear it and she shan't think to huff me.


Elizabeth Willis De Huff (A); 20Jul67; R414113.

See with what fancy pride he does pretend, His miser father's notions to amend, Huffs Plutarch, Plato, Pliny, Seneca, And bids even Cicero himself give way.

[Footnote 4: Drawcansir in the Duke of Buckingham's Rehearsal parodies the heroic drama of the Restoration, as by turning the lines in Dryden's 'Tyrannic Love,' Spite of myself, I'll stay, fight, love, despair; And all this I can do, because I dare, into I drink, I huff, I strut, look big and stare; And all this I can do, because I dare.

The hull family loved and petted her from Miss Huff and her old father down to Billy, who alternately petted and teased her.

We got to Miss Huff's in the afternoon and rested the rest of that day and had a good night's sleep.

She said she'd been readin' all day to grandpa Huff and as near as I could make out he'd kep' her right down to them blood-curdlin' chapters where they fried the martyrs in ile and briled 'em on grid-irons.

But she said Mr. Huff wuz anxious to hear it

And I wuzn't surprised that Billy Huff fell immegiately and voylently in love with her to his own discomfiture and the great enrichment of them that sold perfumery and hair-oil.

But I sez, "Miss Huff said it wuz dretful interestin', Josiah, I'd kinder like to see it.

199 examples of  huffs  in sentences