183 examples of idealizes in sentences

If I cannot realize my ideal I can at least idealize my realHow?

Rarely did they idealize humble folk:

He aimed to idealize merely human beauty, and his imitation of Nature was carried out in the minutest details.

The city loomed up on the opposite bank, and its black walls looked fateful, mysterious, losing their sordidness in the moonlight that idealizes and embellishes everything.

The discord which so easily finds its way into all society as an effect of the different moods in which people happen to be for the moment, also in part explains why it is that memory always idealizes, and sometimes almost transfigures, the attitude we have taken up at any period of the pasta change due to our inability to remember all the fleeting influences which disturbed us on any given occasion.

He did not idealize the woman he loved, for he was not a man of ideals, nor of much imagination.

Moreover, they will have reached a point from which it will be possible for them to investigate reform and idealize the relations existing between men and women.

As islands are built up out of the shields of insects, so her soil is made the land of Burns, and see what one man can do to idealize and glorify the common life about him!

BEAUTY Although such a deep need of friendship really creates and idealizes the object of its affection, the lover of antiquity would, through it alone, achieve only a one-sided moral excellence.

She had thought at one time that she might be able to idealize David Kent, but he had gone his way to hew out his fortune, taking her upstirrings of his ambition in a purely literal and selfish sense, so far as she could determine.

She could by no possibility idealize him.

The hero is the Swiss people, and the action idealizes the legendary uprising of the Forest Cantons against their Austrian governors.

But the contrast between them and the chief in his soldier's uniform seated at breakfast was rather too striking; and incidentally it etched in bold lines the folly of those who idealize the life of even exceptionally good and pleasant-natured savages.

Preferably in Boehtlingk's literal version, which I have followed whenever Kellner idealizes.

This is the period, too, when the emotions rule us, and we idealize everything in life; when love and hope make the present an ecstasy and the future bright with anticipation.

We had been too much in the society of boys and young gentlemen, and knew too well their real character, to idealize the sex in general.

This artist idealizes the subjects of every-day, practical life, and gives them a poetic quality which is an uncommon and delightful attainment.

It may be said indeed to have been the actuating principle of modern literature, especially of modern English poetry, which vitalizes and idealizes children and nature.

The end of dramatic writing is not to reproduce Nature, but to idealize it; a literal copying of the same, as everybody knows, is the merit of the photographer, not of the artist.

Tasso used the pastoral machinery to idealize the court; Guarini accepted the pastoral convention of the superiority of the 'natural' life of the country, and used it as a means of pouring out his bitterness of soul.

The youth idealizes the maiden he loves, his hero, and the ends of his life; and in age the old man idealizes his youth.

The youth idealizes the maiden he loves, his hero, and the ends of his life; and in age the old man idealizes his youth.


Is the tendency to idealize the men of the past beneficial in its effect upon the race?

The tendency to idealize national heroes is by no means confined to the Hebrews.

183 examples of  idealizes  in sentences