107 examples of ill-luck in sentences

That's another reason for my fears; that ill-Luck owes us a spite, and will be sure to pay us with loving one another, a thought I dread.

This ill-luck attached to parsley is in some measure explained from the fact that in many respects it is an unlucky plant.

There are various other superstitions attached to this plant, as in Hampshire, where the peasants dislike giving any away for fear of some ill-luck befalling them.

" It is difficult, as we have already noted in a previous chapter, to discover why some of our sweetest and fairest spring-flowers should be associated with ill-luck.

To this the peasants submitted; but history has not been able to drown their sighs over this wrong; their proverbs and ballads make St. George's Day representative of all ill-luck and disappointment.

At Fredericksburg I took in flour on freight for Norfolk; but my ill-luck still pursued me.

It was a piece of sheer ill-luck that brought him home in time for this show.

Adv. by chance, accidentally, by accident; casually; perchance &c (possibly) 470; for aught one knows; as good would have it, as bad would have it, as luck would have it, as ill-luck would have it, as chance would have it; as it may be, as it may chance, as it may turn up, as it may happen; as the case may be.

He was walking one day with Sheridan, close to the churchyard of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, when, as ill-luck would have it, up comes Holloway on horseback, and in a furious rage, complains that he has called on Mr. Sheridan time and again in Hertford Street, and can never gain admittance.

Their position had been settled by other observations, so the ill-luck was unimportant.

"Mrs. Williams is dying, they say; I cannot stop a minute," and he was out of sight while the baffled parishioners stood confounded at their ill-luck.

Certainly no grown person would have succeeded in moving a scow out on Takern in that manner; but when the tide is highand ill-luck to the forelittle children have a marvellous faculty for getting out to sea.

When the villagers saw Hiramani so thick with the Basu ladies, they prophesied ill-luck for the family, and on learning Jadu Babu's resolve they remarked that the old woman had not belied her reputation.

The miners, who hold the superstition, that to whisper bodes ill-luck, must have imagined we were exorcising evil spirits with an incantation.

stupid nephews abound everywhere; and one of his, to whom he had intrusted a freight worth two hundred and twenty thousand livres, caused him so great a loss, that, at the age of eighty-four, he felt obliged to sail again for the East in order to retrieve his fortune, or at least repair the ill-luck arising from his unfortunate speculation.

She drove away the foes, and made the ill-luck which had come upon it to be of no effect.

"Your ill-luck has come at last," he says with gloomy satisfaction.

Yesterday, while we were lagging behind, my royal friend entered yonder hermitage after a deer; and there, as ill-luck would have it, caught sight of a beautiful girl, called [S']akoontalá, the hermit's daughter.

Ill-luck at hazard and dice pursued him: he was a bad loser, quarrelsome and surly.

"I dinna ken; but these messages about Generals and sic'-like bodies" At this moment, as ill-luck will have it, the Signal Sergeant appears breasting the hillside.

Nearer and nearer he comes, I hold my breath, and sit as still as stone, when, as ill-luck will have it, just as he is approaching quite close to me, utterly innocent of my proximity, a nasty, teasing tickle visits my nose, and I sneeze loudly and irrepressibly.

In her desperation she took her courage in both hands and set forth, as fast as horses could take her, to meet Napoleon, that she might at least have the first word with him; but as ill-luck would have it, he travelled by a different route and she missed him.

I sounded them on both sides, retracing my steps to the stairway, becoming more and more impatient at my ill-luck or stupidity.

As ill-luck would have it (the rest of us being already seated), there were but two chairs left; so that M. Lenoir and Müller had to sit side by side.

Some people are so fond of ill-luck that they run half-way to meet it.

107 examples of  ill-luck  in sentences