37 examples of leiden in sentences

CHAPTER XVIII A MINERS' MEETING "Leiden oder triumphiren

, and Its Present State by C. Snouck Hurgronje Professor of the Arabic Language in the University of Leiden, Holland 1916 ANNOUNCEMENT.

Born in Oosterhout, Holland, in 1857, he studied Theology and Oriental Languages at the University of Leiden and continued his studies at the University of Strassburg.

After a few years' activity as Lecturer on Mohammedan Law at the Seminary for Netherlands-India in Leiden, he spent eight months (1884-5) in Mecca and Jidda.

In 1888, he became lecturer at the University of Leiden and in the same year was sent out as Professor to Batavia in Netherlands-India, where he spent the years 1889-1906.

Upon his return he was appointed Professor of Arabic at the University of Leiden.

Mekka, The Hague, 1888-9; De Beteekenis van den Islam voor zijne Belijders in Oost Indïe, Leiden, 1883; Mekkanische Sprichwörter, The Hague, 1886; De Atjehers, Leiden, 1903-4, England tr.

Mekka, The Hague, 1888-9; De Beteekenis van den Islam voor zijne Belijders in Oost Indïe, Leiden, 1883; Mekkanische Sprichwörter, The Hague, 1886; De Atjehers, Leiden, 1903-4, England tr.

London, 1906; Het Gajôland en zijne Bezvoners, Batavia, 1903, and Nederland en de Islâm, Leiden, 1915.

Amongst other things he quotes a letter from the Leiden professor, L'Empereur, in which he conjures Breitinger by the bowels of Jesus Christ ("per viscera Jesu Christi") to give the young man every opportunity to complete his study of the religion of Mohammed, "which so far has only been treated in a senseless way."

[Footnote 1: A complete explanation of the gradual development of the Abraham legend in the Qorân can be found in my book Het Mekkaansche Feest (The Feast of Mecca), Leiden, 1880.]

And they took Arthur anon And an eovste hine vereden And bore him hurriedly, And softe hine adun leiden, And softly laid him down, And forth gunnen lithen.

Leiden has been corrected into Roterdam.

[Lat.]; was man nicht kann meiden muss man willig leiden [G.].

Dein Glück, dein Ruhm ist ihm ein Leiden: Magst drum an seiner Quaal dich weiden.

A typical book of the period was Goethe's Sorrows of Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, 1774).

"The Sorrows of Young Werther" ("Die Leiden des jungen Werthers") was begun in 1772, when Goethe was twenty-three years old, and was published anonymously two years later.

The poem is one of the Junge Leiden, published in 1821, Elster (I, 490) says: "Eine bekannte Sage, mit einzelnen vielfach wiederkehrenden uralten Zügen, dargestellt In Simrocks Rheinsagen."


When shall we see a German writer exhibiting the courteous kindliness of George Eliot, who makes Deronda study Zunz's Synagogale Poesie, and places the monumental words which open his chapter entitled 'Leiden,' at the head of the passage in which she introduces us to Ezra Cohen's family, and at the club-meeting at which Mordecai gives utterance to his ideas concerning the future of Israel?

All these stages can actually be seen in four of the most ancient glossaries of English origin that have come down to us, known respectively, from the libraries to which they now belong, as the Leiden, the Epinal, the Erfurt, and the Corpus (the last at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge).

The Leiden Glossary represents the earliest stage of such a work, being really, in the main, a collection of smaller glossaries, or rather sets of glosses, each set entered under the name of the treatise from which it was extracted, the words in each being left in the order in which they happened to come in the treatise or work, without any further arrangement, alphabetical or other.

The first advance upon this is seen in the Epinal Glossary, which uses part at least of the materials of the Leiden, incorporating with them many others.

'Aus dieser erde quellen meine freuden, und ihre sonne scheinet meinen leiden.'

So the noble words of a noble Hohenzollern"Lerne zu leiden ohne Klagen"had found many responsive minds among us, long before they were uttered.

37 examples of  leiden  in sentences