275 examples of listlessly in sentences

" The tramp nodded, somewhat listlessly.

He meanders if he proceeds slowly and perhaps listlessly in an ever-changing course, as if he were following the windings of the crooked Phrygian river, Meander.

According to a Cornish tradition, the fern is in some mysterious manner connected with the fairies; and a tale is told of a young woman who, when one day listlessly breaking off the fronds of fern as she sat resting by the wayside, was suddenly confronted by a "fairy widower," who was in search of some one to attend to his little son.

Today he found the boy lying listlessly upon the window-seat, an open book in his hand, but his eyes fixed dreamily upon the grove of huge elm trees that covered the distant hills.

The girl turned her face to her mother, and smiled, then dropped her glance to the hands in her own lap; which were listlessly handling the end of a ribbon.

The plain folks around Millville might speculate listlessly upon the "queer doin's" at the farm, and never get anywhere near the truth.

She sat in the window, and listlessly read over to herself a fragment of her own poetry: SAPPHO She lay among the myrtles on the cliff; Above her glared the moon; beneath, the sea.

The postillions were mounted, listlessly waiting the pleasure of their superiors; when the laughs and jokes of the menials were instantly succeeded by a respectful and profound silence, as a gentleman and lady appeared on the portico of the building.

" "It sounds like a hero out of one of 'Ouida's' novels," she remarked, as listlessly as before.

The man has lain for some time listlessly, but the feeling which he cannot understand increases now almost to an oppression.

Billy looked on listlessly, and Cocoanut himself hardly knew why he was making this arrangement.

There was no attempted levity in his tone,he spoke rather listlessly, as one who had found the world, or its problems, slightly wearisome.

Joyce, who was a man of method, and was accustomed to telling off troops, counted no less than forty-nine of these idlers, most of whom were lounging near the log entrenchment, though a few were sauntering about the clearing, conversing with the wood-choppers, or making their observations listlessly, and seemingly without any precise object in view.

"I thought I heard the sound of a saw, major," he said listlessly; "yet everything looks quiet, and in its place here!"

The jury in the Burnham case sat listlessly in their chairs, glad that their work in the matter at issue was nearly done, yet regretful that a case had not been made out which might have called for the exercise of that large intelligence, that critical acumen, that capacity for close reasoning, of which the members of the average jury feel themselves to be severally and collectively possessed.

With your left hand you caressed him and kept him off, while your right, holding the parchment, was permitted to fall listlessly between your knees, and in close proximity to the fire.

A belated steamboat was swashing down stream, and a schooner, having but little of wind and less of tide to help it along, was rocking listlessly in the long swell.

The slumberous folds of the curtains are drawn with stately gloom around a high bed, where Colonel de Frontignac has been for many hours quietly asleep; but opposite, resting with one elbow on the toilette table, her long black hair hanging down over her night-dress, and the brush lying listlessly in her hand, sits Virginie, looking fixedly into the dreamy depths of the mirror.

Searching the columns listlessly, she scanned the headings, glanced over the letter press in silence, then turned the crumpled page.

" "And how about the Zouaves?" "Oh, they're there yet," said Berkley listlessly.

I don't know which is true," she added, listlessly picking at her frayed gown; "only, as we haven't heard the guns to-day, it seems to me that if we had lost the battle we'd have Confederate cannon thundering all around us.

I know that they all write to you; and somehow I have been listlessly contented to let them tell you about home matters, and wait until my strength returned.

Bart went listlessly into the house.

One is lying before me now, and as I glance through the pages listlessly I say, "Only the simple crude statements of a man of powerful mind, but singularly narrow vision.

Will you?" "Yes." Silence fell between us like a shadow; then: "Yonder rides Sir George Covert," she said, listlessly.

275 examples of  listlessly  in sentences