105 examples of maman in sentences

Then on the day after the wedding, in the presence of many friends who had come to offer their congratulations, a stout nurse, bearing the two chubby little ones, made her appearance; and these rosy urchins, springing forward, shouted affectionately, "Maman!

Maman!" to the great astonishment and bewilderment of James Gann, who well-nigh fainted at this sudden paternity so put upon him.

"the Prussiansmonstres odieuxsmashing into the village, the cry "Maman!

She apologized for presenting herself so informally: said she had come, "de la parte de maman," to ask me what I proposed to do.

Their faces had become blotchy in the dew of night, and their little maman with her pigtail had left them to their fate.

vivement ma porte et j'aperçus un tout petit bébé de trois ans à peine, courant dans le corridor en criant tout excité: "Maman, maman!

vivement ma porte et j'aperçus un tout petit bébé de trois ans à peine, courant dans le corridor en criant tout excité: "Maman, maman!

MAMAN, f., mère.

Brigitte maman.

"Bon-jour, bon-jour, Maman!" was their salutation, and they instantly plunged out of doors to relate to their companions what had happened.

"Maman, maman," exclaimed a pretty little girl of eleven, who came running into the room, "Vladimir Nikolaevich is coming here on horseback.

"Maman, maman," exclaimed a pretty little girl of eleven, who came running into the room, "Vladimir Nikolaevich is coming here on horseback.

" "Bud, maman," said the daughter, laying her hand appeasingly upon her mother's knee, "ee do nod know 'ow we is poor.

"Ah! maman, what makes you look so sick?" Aurora waved her hand contemptuously and gasped.

De weed' in my bag yard is twenny-five feet 'igh!" "Ah! maman!" "Twenty-six!" said Aurora, correcting herself.

" "But, Maman," said Clotilde, turning with a timid look to her mother, "If Monsieur Grandissime would rather not" Aurora, feeling alarmed at what she had said, rose up.

"Maman," the daughter replied, opening her eyes, reached up her arms and drew the dear head down.

And if he could have seen her face he would have seen her great eyes streaming with tears, while she prayed: "Maman, ask God to give me courage to get through all of this, since it is for your Mirko.

" He escaped from the garden about ten days before, she explained, and was gone at least two hours, and then returned wet through, and was a little light-headed that night, and had talked of "Maman and the angels," and "Papa and Chérisette," but they could obtain no information from him as to why he went, nor whom he had seen.

"It is Maman who has taught me that!"

When you walk there, and I am with Maman, you must remember that this is me!"

She was back in Bournemouth, and listening to "Maman's air."

"How Maman would have loved all this!" she was thinking, "with her gay, tender soul, and her delight in make-believe and joyous picnics."

"But how?" I stammered, "how?" Again Mademoiselle Angèle laughed, and through the ripples of her laughter came her merry words: "Maman was very fat, was she not, my good Monsieur Ratichon?

He certainly must have known about fat Maman from the customs officials who had given us coffee at Mijoux.

105 examples of  maman  in sentences