2288 examples of mobs in sentences

On the very day of his departure a friend told him that he feared violence from mobs assembling at the door of his carriage.

Allow him but his plaything of a pen, He ne'er rebels, or plots, like other men: Flight of cashiers, or mobs, he'll never mind; And knows no losses while the Muse is kind.

The defiant spirit of the Delhi mob on the 30th March 1919 can hardly be used for condemning a great spiritual movement which is admittedly and manifestly intended to restrain the violent tendencies of mobs and to replace criminal lawlessness by civil disobedience of authority, when it has forfeited all title to respect.

In the Senate, Mr. Hale, agreeably to the notice he had given, asked leave to introduce a bill for the protection of property in the District of Columbia against the violence of mobs.

President Polk sent an intimation to the clerks of the departments, some of whom had been active in the mobs, that they had better mind their own business and stay at home.

Mobs are no new things in Rome.

The old way is the proper way to deal with mobs!

Under Cyrus, the Persians became the masters of the world, but they rapidly degenerated, not being able to withstand the luxurious life of the conquered Babylonians; and when they were marshalled against the Greeks, and especially against the disciplined forces of Alexander, they were disgracefully routed in spite of their enormous armies, which could not be handled, and became mere mobs of armed men.

There have been several mobs about the Luxembourg and the Palais Royal, but they think nothing more will happen now.

We were out in the carriage this morning to see the masks on the boulevards; there were a great many masks and crowds of people, whilst there were mobs and rows going on in another part of the town.

The Southern mobs seemed to pride themselves in assaulting the colored soldiers.

In many places where mobs have occurred such white citizens have been invaluable aids in saving the lives of Negroes from mob violence; and trusting that these friends will increase and keep up their good work the Negro has seldom ever left the scene of mob violence in any considerable numbers, the home ties being strong, and he instinctively loves the scene of his birth.

THE SOUTH IS A GOOD PLACE FOR THE NEGRO TO LIVE, provided, however, the better class of citizens will rise up and demand that lynchings and mobs shall cease, and that the officers of the law shall do their duty without prejudice.

The reason we have mobs is because the leaders of them know they will not be punished.

Most of them, no doubt, do regret the terrible deeds committed by mobs on helpless and innocent people, but it is a question as to whether or not they would be suffered by public sentiment to "cry aloud" against them.

Indeed, so far as your committee are aware, the pretense is no longer advanced that woman should not vote by reason of her mental or moral unfitness to perform this legislative function; but the suffrage is denied to her because she can not hang criminals, suppress mobs, nor handle the enginery of war.

But mobs don't jump one man, ladynot around these parts unless he's stole a hoss!"

Mobs burned Jay in effigy, and pelted Alexander Hamilton.

And perhaps some subjects start it in their marches in mobs down country in Australia.

He expressed his conviction that the instigators of northern mobs must be implicated in some way, pecuniary or otherwise, with slavery.

In some of the communities most of the men might heartily support them, but in others, where the vicious and lawless elements were in control, they were in constant danger of mobs.

When lawless mobs insult the court, That man shall be my toast, If breaking windows be the sport, Who bravely breaks the most.

There were two kinds of persecution to which the Loyalists were subjectedthat which was perpetrated by 'lawless mobs,' and that which was carried out 'constitutionally.'

Probably the worst of the revolutionary mobs was that which paraded the streets of Boston.

In 1904 Mississippi and Virginia adopt more stringent laws against vagrancy, and 1905 is the year of active legislation on the indeterminate sentence, juvenile courts, parole and probation, with two more statutes against mobs and lynching.

2288 examples of  mobs  in sentences