168 examples of newe in sentences

So in G. Fletcher's "Russe Commonwealth," 1591, p. 13, speaking of a town built on the south side of Moscow by Basilius the emperor, for a garrison of soldiers, "to whom he gave priviledge to drinke mead and beer, at the drye or prohibited times, when other Russes may drinke nothing but water, and for that cause called this newe citie by the name of Naloi, that is, skinck, or poure in."

Then when he saw no entrance to him graunted, Roaring yet lowder that all harts it daunted, Upon those gates with force he fiercely newe, And, rending them in pieces, felly slewe 1370 Those warders strange, and all that els he met

Newe bookes I heare of none, but only of one*

But if happly you dwell altogither in Iustinians Courte, and giue your selfe to be devoured of secreate studies, as of all likelyhood you doe, yet at least imparte some your olde or newe, Latine or Englishe, eloquent and gallant poesies to vs, from whose eves, you saye, you keepe in a manner nothing hidden.

For whan thy labour doon al is, And hast y-maad thy rekeninges, In stede of reste and newe thinges, Thou gost hoom to thy hous anoon, And, also domb as any stoon, Thou sittest at another boke Til fully daswed is thy loke, And livest thus as an hermyte.

Fyrste a Songe: Backe and syde, go bare, go bare; Booth foote and hande, go colde; But, bellye, God sende thee good ale ynoughe, Whether it be newe or olde!

He was a student of books as well as of men, as is shown by these lines from the Hous of Fame: "For whan thy labour doon al is, And halt y-maad thy rekeninges, In stede of rest and newe thinges, Thou gost hoom to thy hous anoon, And, also domb as any stoon, Thou sittest at another boke, Til fully daswed is thy loke, And livest thus as an hermyte.

For he myghten not seye no thing of newe, in the whiche the hereres myghten haven outher solace or desport or lust or lykynge in the herynge.

For men seyn alle weys, that newe thynges and newe tydynges ben plesant to here.

For men seyn alle weys, that newe thynges and newe tydynges ben plesant to here.

Cairo containeth in circuit eighteene miles, being so inhabited and replenished with people, that almost it cannot receiue more; and therefore they haue begunne to builde newe houses without the citie and about the walles.

It had been built by another Mr. Anderson in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, on the site where once stood the monastery of the Grey Friars; he, however, had named his mansion "The Newe House."

Emelie that fairer was to scene Than is the lilie on hire stalkê grene, And fresscher than the May with flourês newe.

An Archaism is a word or phrase expressed according to ancient usage, and not according to our modern orthography; as, "Newe grene chese of smalle clammynes comfortethe a hotte stomake.

"Springe is ycomen in, Dappled lark singe; Snow melteth, Runnell pelteth, Smelleth winde of newe buddinge.

"Summer is ycomen in, Loude singe cucku; Groweth seede, Bloweth meade, And springeth the weede newe.

"Autumne is ycomen in, Ceres filleth horne; Reaper swinketh, Farmer drinketh, Creaketh waine with newe corn.

Item, paid for makying of a newe clapper to Judas bell xd." 2ndly.

Item, paide for kervying of Mary and John and the makyng newe xxxiijs.

Payd for a present for Mr. Alford and Mr. Herytage for ther good wyll for tymber for the newe Rode lofte ijs.

This he refused to do, saying, "I hold my patente for my service don, which noe newe or late comers can meritt or challenge."

There are two townes, the old towne and the newe.

In the newe towne is the king, and all his Nobilitie and Gentrie.

to the East Indies.] foure ships more to continue this their traffique so happely begun: intending moreouer the next spring to send a newe supply of other ships.

" At the visitation held at Romford Chapel, Essex Archdeaconry, 5th September, 1578, the wardens of Dengie "broughte in theire surplice, which surplice is torne & verie indecent & uncomly, as appereth; whereupon the judge, for that theie neglected their othes, [ordered them to confess their fault and prepare] a newe surplice of holland cloth of v s. thele

168 examples of  newe  in sentences