56 examples of oth in sentences

And make them that had wont to see our Consuls, With conquering Eagles waving in the field, Instead of that behold an Emperor dauncing, Playing oth' stage and what else but to name Were infamie.

We seeke not now (as in the happy dayes Oth' common wealth they did) for libertie; O you deere ashes, Cassius and Brutus, That was with you entomb'd, their let it rest.

Not so: Rufus, the Captaine of the Guard, 's with us, And divers other oth' Praetorian band Already made (named?);

many, though unacquainted With our intents, have had disgrace and wrongs Which grieve them still; most will be glad of change, And even they that lov'd him best, when once They see him gone, will smile oth' comming times, Let goe things past and looke to their owne safetie:

And if it be but talke oth' State 'tis Treason.

And straightly all other Lawes oth' Stage observ'd, As not (though weary) to sit downe, not spit, Not wipe his sweat off but with what he wore.

The fire increaseth and will not be staid, But like a stream[50] that tumbling from a hill Orewhelmes the fields, orewhelmes the hopefull toyle Oth' husbandman and headlong beares the woods; The unweeting Shepheard on a Rocke afarre Amazed heares the feareful noyse; so here Danger and Terror strive which shall exceed.

Let Iulius goe and fight at end oth' world And conquer from the wilde inhabitants Their cold and poverty, whilst Nero here Makes other warres, warres where the conquerd gaines, Where to orecome is to be prisoner.

he looks like a Mapp oth world.

Ile out oth storme, take shelter in the cellar.

You are the arme oth' war, the Soldiers sperit; The other but dead stories, you the dooer.

Would they were all shipt well To th' other part oth' world.

And if one hauing paied the custome should sell to another with composition to passe it forth as for his proper accounts to saue the custome, this may not be, because the seller is put to his oth, whether he send the goods for his owne account, or for the account of any others that haue bought the same, and being found to the contrary they pay custome as abouesaid.

Oth scullerye I was three yeares before: So, blacke and blewe, I make account I've served Your Lordshypp five and twentye.

Smoother your passions, Sir: here comes his sonne A propertie oth court, that least his owne Ill manners should be noted thynks it fytt In pollycie to scoffe at other mens.

Theise hayres are oth complexion of the skye, Not like the earthe blacke browne and sullyed.

Thats my hope: Bate me the pleasure, and, beleive it, Sir, I shall crye out oth bargayne.

Sir, troble not your selfe With any doute oth' secrecye was usd In actinge your comand.

So spatious that carts laded may drive throughe And neather loush oth' topp or eathere syde.

Loss of estate, relations, blood, Was too well known, but did no good; With long Campaigns and paines oth' gout He cou'd no longer hold it out.

And, on the oth

He caus | -eth th' one | to rage | with gold | -en burn | -ing darte, And doth | allay | with lead | -en cold, | again | the oth | -er's harte; Whose gleames | of burn | -ing fyre | and eas | -y sparkes | of flame, In bal | -ance of | ~un=e | -qual weyght | he pon | -dereth | by ame.

1. Correction of Murray, in words of two syllables: civ-il, col-our, cop-y, dam-ask, doz-en, ev-er, feath-er, gath-er, heav-en, heav-y, hon-ey, lem-on, lin-en, mead-ow, mon-ey, nev-er, ol-ive, or-ange, oth-er, pheas-ant, pleas-ant, pun-ish, rath-er, read-y, riv-er, rob-in, schol-ar, shov-el, stom-ach, tim-id, whith-er.

Correction of the words under Rule 5th; Eng-land, an oth-er, Beth-es´-da, Beth-ab´-a-ra. LESSON III.MIXED EXAMPLES.

As th' wheel goes round, he gath ers in 'is wealth, One hand on the hop per and the oth er on the bag; As the wheel goes round, he cries out, "Grab!"

56 examples of  oth  in sentences