8568 examples of proud in sentences

When his wife had explained what and why it was, they both laughed heartily over Willie's suggestion for leaving the imagination of little Agnes in repose; and henceforth he was installed as night-nurse, so long as the process of weaning should last; and very proud of his promotion he was.

For Mrs Wilson often had a chat with Hector, and then she would not unfrequently talk about Willie, of whose friendship she was proud.

I think it was the fact that my temper was so the opposite of his own which drew him to me, and as for myself, I was proud to have such a friend, and of the chance to march with him again over the mountains against the French.

The remnants of what was once one of the most powerful Armies in the world are now flowing back in disorder and without hope up the mountain valleys down which they came with proud self-assurance.

Clear and clean is the beauty of those graves in the noonday brightness, delicate and tremulous in the early dawn and in the soft light of a fading day, and for us, who think of those dead with a proud and tender emotion, that beauty is, in some sort, a frail consolation.

Already he was proud of his kinship to Carolyn June.

Indeed each was proud of his skill.

Chuck led Old Pie Face for Skinny to ride in the parade and Bert took Red John, Old Heck's most showy saddle horsea long-legged, high-stepping, proud-headed, bay geldingfor Carolyn June to use, for she, too, had declared her intention of joining in the grand promenade with which the Rodeo would open.

That"she continued with a proud toss of her head"'lonesome-looking little runt' is the Ramblin' Kid!

These men had come there that morning free, proud to fight, and joyous to die.

He remembered having read at some previous time about a certain canine whose proud mistress and owner was alleged to have refused twenty thousand for him.

Just as the door opened to admit the major, he was the subject of discourse, the proud parent and the partial friend finding almost an equal gratification in discussing his fine, manly appearance, good qualities, and future hopes.

" This was a very artful speech, since it alluded to the most distinguished exploit of captain Willoughby's military life; one of which it would have been more than human, had he not been a little proud.

"To the mentally proud and mentally feeble he was equally a bore."

How this must have piqued the proud daughter of the Ptolemies,that she, a queen, with all her charms, was not the equal in the eyes of Antony to the sister of Caesar's heir!

Yet she does not kill herself because she cannot survive the death of Antony, but because she is too proud to be carried to Rome to grace the triumph of the new Caesar.

I know of no age when virtuous women did not shine at home, and exert a healthful influence upon men, and secure the proud regard of their husbands.

I should think she would not only like the money, but be very proud of your being able to earn it in such a way.

And he would hate me; for I can see that he is very proud.

The day was coming when the haughty passions of the mother-country and the proud independence of her colonies would engage in that supreme struggle which has given to the world the United States of America.

Elevated to the ministry by Madame de Pompadour, and as yet promoting her views, he nevertheless gave signs of an independent spirit and a proud character, capable of exercising authority firmly in the presence and the teeth of all obstacles.

Nothing was too much for the proud devotion and passionate affection of the Duchess of Choiseul: she declined the personal favors which the king offered her, setting all her husband's friends the example of a fidelity which was equally honorable to them and to him.

I see from this proud airy height A lovely Lilliput below!

becase I did not com into her house caling of me proud slut what ear you proud on your fine cloths and you look to be mistres

becase I did not com into her house caling of me proud slut what ear you proud on your fine cloths and you look to be mistres

8568 examples of  proud  in sentences