23 examples of reparative in sentences

Nevertheless, there is a certain reparative quality in it,we do not know what,as there is in tea; but it maybe safely given in almost any inflammatory disease, and is as little to be depended upon with the healthy or convalescent, where much nourishment is required.

After having obstructed the nutritive and reparative functions of the vital fluid for many years, their effects at last may become fatal.

"Alcoholic drinks prevent the natural changes going on in the blood, and obstruct the nutritive and reparative functions.

It might be suggested that perhaps things impressed just before going to sleep have a better chance to "set" than things impressed at other times for the reason that sleep is the time when the reparative processes of the body are most active.

Other effects are present, such as pleasure and sociability, but its chief benefit is reparative, so we may well regard the subject from a strictly utilitarian standpoint and inquire how we may produce the highest efficiency from our eating.

restoring &c v.; restorative, recuperative; sanative, reparative, sanatory^, reparatory^; curative, remedial.

But when the brain expands in the dome-like cranium of the human being, a new and incessant call is made on the reparative forces.

The reparative inflammation in the synovial membrane is quite sufficient to induce pain severe enough to prevent the animal from placing his foot to the ground for some weeks, even though the progress of the case, all unknown, may be all that is desired.

It must be remembered, however, that where the necrosis has occurred as a result of septic invasion this cannot be looked for, for in every case such reparative changes are worked solely by healthy tissue.

It is, in fact, a reparative callus, and the reason it reaches so large a size is probably to be accounted for by the pull of the extensor pedis upon the detached pyramidal process.

After some time we are met with unmistakable changes in the form of the foot, and are able to assume that the persisting lameness is due to pressure of a reparative callus within the hoof.

It is in the later stages of the diseasethat is, when the pus has been evacuated and reparative changes commencedthat this osteoplastic periostitis is most marked, and it plays a large part in bringing about the condition of anchylosis, which we shall afterwards describe.

It has been our good fortune, even when we have seen the foot almost detached from the limb by the devastating inroads of the pus, to see the suppurative process by this means gradually overcome, a reparative anchylosis set in, and the animal restored to good health and usefulness, if not to soundness.

Meanwhile the incompleteness of the pluralistic universe, thus assumed and held to as the most probable hypothesis, is also represented by the pluralistic philosophy as being self-reparative through us, as getting its disconnections remedied in part by our behavior.

[Sidenote: Disease a reparative process.

Shall we begin by taking it as a general principlethat all disease, at some period or other of its course, is more or less a reparative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering: an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed, the termination of the disease being then, while the antecedent process was going on, determined?

The reparative process which Nature has instituted and which we call disease, has been hindered by some want of knowledge or attention, in one or in all of these things, and pain, suffering, or interruption of the whole process sets in.

The art of nursing, as now practised, seems to be expressly constituted to unmake what God had made disease to be, viz., a reparative process.

[Sidenote: Nursing ought to assist the reparative process.

If we are asked, Is such or such a disease a reparative process?

But when you have done away with all that pain and suffering, which in patients are the symptoms not of their disease, but of the absence of one or all of the above-mentioned essentials to the success of Nature's reparative processes, we shall then know what are the symptoms of and the sufferings inseparable from the disease.

You will find that there is barely a teaspoonful of solid nourishment to half a pint of water in beef tea;nevertheless there is a certain reparative quality in it, we do not know what, as there is in tea;but it may safely be given in almost any inflammatory disease, and is as little to be depended upon with the healthy or convalescent where much nourishment is required.

Organic chemistry is useful, as all knowledge is, when we come face to face with nature; but it by no means follows that we should learn in the laboratory any one of the reparative processes going on in disease.

23 examples of  reparative  in sentences