4917 examples of sailor in sentences

Sentences: The sailor his ship.

The old sailor still retained the rugged and strength of a man much younger.

The Lancashire lass with head shawl and pattens, the wearer of the universal sailor hat, in these days of independence and pounds, shillings and pence, are taking note of the shop windows.

A shipwrecked sailor appreciates the comforts he once had; a desert wanderer, lost and starving, remembers the food he once wasted; a volunteer soldier, facing death in the darkness, thinks of his home!

A young sailor boy came to see me to-day.

He will go once more as a sailor, he says, and then try for the position of second mate.

My bed is like a little boat; Nurse helps me in when I embark; She girds me in my sailor's coat

Of speckled eggs the birdie sings And nests among the trees; The sailor sings of ropes and things In ships upon the seas.

" "Morris, what do you want to be a sailor for?" inquired Hollis, arranging the white rose in his button-hole anew.

He says a literary sailor is a novelty.

I s'pose Hucks were a sailor, too, though he never says nuthin' 'bout that.

A retired sea captain hides inland, with no companions but a grinning sailor and his blind housekeeper except his pale wife, of course; and she is described as sad and unhappy.

"Your fingers are quite nimble, Thomas, considering the fact that you were once a sailor," she said.

Our simple life here never made much of an inroad into my father's modest fortune; for our wants were few; but Captain Wegg was a poor man of business, having been a sailor during all his active life.

In his dreams he was Sinbad the Sailor, and Bracebridge the Old Man of the Sea; but he could not hold out against the colonel's merry bustling kindliness, and the almost womanish tenderness of his nursing.

During that portion of the middle ages which is designated as dark, I employed myself in a great many different ways: I was laborer, sailor, teacher, and I cannot tell you what besides; but more frequently than anything else I was a teacher.

I am a bad sailor, and so is Ajax.

So we learned that our fancies had not been so far wrong, but that our beautiful young face had indeed come from as far as France, the orphaned child of a French sailor and an English mother, come over the seas for a home with a farmer uncle near by.

O, sweet to the storm-driven sailor the light, Streaming far o'er the dark swelling wave; But sweeter by far 'mong the lights of the night, Is the star of the north to the slave.

I made up my mind, at once, that this was of a simple speciessuch, however, as would appear, to the crude intellect of the sailor, absolutely insoluble without the key.

I have a genuine love of such common sights, and am quite absorbed by the good fun before me, when a solemn voice sounds at my left, and, looking round, I perceive Can Grande, who has come up to explain to me the philosophy of the sailor's dances, and to unfold his theory of amusements, as far as the narrow area of one little brain (mine, not his) will permit.

You are as safe as the sailor who put his head into the hole where a cannon-shot had just come through.

The first few sentences addressed to her by her new companion were in a tone and style altogether different from any in which she had ever been approached,different from the dashing frankness of her sailor lover, and from the rustic gallantry of her other admirers.

BLODGETT, RUTH R. Home is the sailor.

R633473. Home is the sailor.

4917 examples of  sailor  in sentences