50 examples of stevedores in sentences

The crew had all turned up, apparently, and a swarm of stevedores were hustling every sort of provisions, supplies, stock, spars, lines and canvas down into the hold.

He glanced aloft, cast a speculative eye on the stevedores trooping across the waist of the ship, and ascended to the quarter-deck where the mate stood leaning over the rail and uttering directed curses from between sweat-beaded lips.

From this Captain Selover went on into a good old-fashioned deep-sea "cussing out," to the great joy of the stevedores.

He took up the direction of the stevedores.

The negroes of Hooker's Bend learned it from Jim Pink, and with them it drifted up and down the three great American rivers, and now it is sung by the roustabouts, stevedores, and underlings of our strange black American world.

It was the captain's delicate and arduous duty to impose his tight German habits of work and ship-shapeness on camel drivers, stevedores, and officials used to the looser, more leisurely methods of the East.

The sun blazing down on the crowded fiat; on boxes, sacks, stevedores wrapped up in all the variegated rags of the East shuffling in and out of the ships; on gangs digging, piling lumber, boiling water, cooking soup; on officers in brown uniforms and brown lamb's-wool caps; on horses, ox-teams, and a vast herd of sheep, which had just poured out of a transport and spread over the plain, when from the hill came two shots of warning.

They are becoming porters, stevedores, wood-sawers, hod-carriers, brick-makers, white-washers and barbers, so that the blacks can scarcely find the means of subsistencea few years ago, a white barber would have been a curiositynow their poles stand on every street.

Then we became stevedores, stowing cargo.

A few hours later I was in the cabin of the Dawn, arranging some papers, when I heard a well-known voice, on deck, calling out to the stevedores and riggers, in a tone of authority"Come, bear a hand, and lay aft; off that forecastle; to this derrick,who ever saw a derrick standing before, after the hatches were battened down, in a first-class ship!a regular A. No. 1?

we are all sinners, and so are some of the stevedores, who've left this derrick standing as if the ship needed it for a jury-mast.

You know when these Southern armies went along they carried colored stevedores to do the work for them.

"He's the head of my stevedores," said Farron.

The sailors waited joyfully for the fray, and the Raratonga stevedores on other vessels stopped their work.

The stevedores and roustabouts of the waterfront made ballads of happenings as their forefathers had chants of the fierce adventures of their constant warfare.

| ... 5 | 1 Coachmen 15 | ... 4 | ... 2 | ... Draymen 67 | ... 11 | ... 13 | ... Porters 35 | ... 5 | ... 8 | ... Wharfingers and stevedores 2 | ... 1 | ... 21 | ... Pilots and sailors 50 | ... 1 | ... 176 | ...

Before the ship left dock, Bowers and Wyatt were at work again in the shed with a party of stevedores, sorting and relisting the shore party stores.

Officers and men of the ship, with a party of stevedores, were busy storing the holds.

When his ship was immovable in the ports, there always came in through his window the whirling noise of the cranes, the cries of the stevedores and the voices of those who were in the neighboring vessels.

The necessities of the city dominated by them had made them pick up all the professions, becoming artisans, fishermen, boatmen, porters and stevedores of the harbor.

Between the two long walls of brick appeared in the background the wharf with its mountains of merchandise, its squadrons of black stevedores, wagons and carts.

They were the soldiers and civilian stevedores, alarmed by the aspect of this man who was running like a lunatic.

Men came running with redoubled agility; the stevedores were abandoning their loads in order to join the pursuit; people were leaping from the steamers in order to unite in the human hunt.

Ferragut, always running, remained behind the negro sharpshooters, the stevedores, the harbor guard, the seamen that were hastening from all sides crowding in the alleyways between the boxes and bundles....

The stevedores who load the ships are very active men.

50 examples of  stevedores  in sentences