86 examples of ulf in sentences

Now looking upon this monstrous creature that writhed and struggled mightily with his captors, groaning and roaring betimes, Beltane felt his flesh a-creep with swift and pregnant memory, and straightway beset the witch with fierce question: "Woman, what thing is this?" "My lord, 'tis naught but poor Ulf, a natural, messire, very strong and faithful, that hath fought mightily and is nigh slain in our defence see how he bleeds!

And whence come ye in such guise?" "Lord," says Ulf, wiping off his tears and choking upon a sob, "I came through Bloody Pertolepe's array.

Thus came I through Bloody Pertolepe's array, and thus, lords, ye do behold a something weary man and a mighty hungry one withal!" Now came Sir Benedict to grasp Ulf's great hand.

Forthwith down lighted Beltane with Sir Benedict and Ulf who pointed before them with his finger.

and they together followed Ulf's broad back up the slope until they were come within the little wood; and ever as they advanced the strange hum grew louder, hoarsera distant roar, pierced, ever and anon, by sharper sound, a confused din that was the voice of desperate conflict.

Presently Ulf brought them to the edge of the little wood and, parting twig and leaf, they looked forth and down.

Before their galloping line rode Sir John of Griswold with Roger and Ulf: and before these, Beltane.

"Aha, lord Beltane!" cried Ulf, wiping sweat and blood from him, "there be no moreleft to smite, see you.

But scarce were the words spoken, than, with great back low-crouched, Ulf sprang, and whirling mighty Walkyn aloft, mailed feet on high, held him writhing above the fire: then, swinging about, hurled him, rolling over and over, upon the ling; so lay Walkyn awhile propped on an elbow, staring on Ulf with wide eyes and mouth agape what time, strung for sudden action, Beltane sat cross-legged upon the green, looking from one to the other.

"Mannikin?" roared Ulf, great hands opening and shutting, "unworthy to touch axe of thine, thou pestilent beast!

So saying, Ulf the Mighty caught up the axe and wheeling it full-armed, smote and buried it in a young tree close bywrenched it free and smote again.

she sighed; and looking from scowling Walkyn to frowning Ulf she reached a slim hand to each.

Fumbling and awkward, Walkyn sheathed his dagger while Ulf laid the mighty axe upon the grass very tenderly, as it had been a sleeping child; so came they both, shame-faced, unto the lady Abbess and gave her each a hand.

"Walkyn, son of God," said she, "behold here Ulf whose valiant heart and mighty strength have been our salvation!

Sir Benedict being sick a-bed of his wound, Beltane sat in council among the oldest and wisest of the knights, and presently summoned Walkyn and Ulf, Roger and Jenkyn o' the Ford, speaking them on this wise: "Good comrades, list ye now!

Therefore, Walkyn, do ye and Ulf take ten men and haste to Winisfarne and the forest-road that runneth north and south: be ye wary of surprise and heedful of all things.

Within the camp was prodigious stir, a fanfare of trumpets and hoarse commands, where archers and pikemen, knights and men-at-arms were mustering; but nowhere was hurry or confusion, wherefore Beltane's heart rejoiced and he smiled glad-eyed as he came where, before Sir Benedict and the assembled council, stood Roger and Ulf with fifteen of their twenty men.

" "And I, lord," quoth Ulf, "did reckon over two thousand foot.

Let every fire within the camp be quenched and the ground well cooled with water, that by the feel of it none may know how long we have removedsee you to this, Ulf." Now when the mighty three were gone about the business, their fifteen lusty fellows at their heels, Beltane turned and pointed westward, and lo!

Now did Beltane divide the three hundred into five companies of sixty; over the first company he set Walkyn, over the second, Roger, over the third, Ulf, over the fourth Jenkyn o' the Ford.

"Halist ye!" whispered Cnut, "there sounds Ulf's warning, methinks!"

"Walkyn, Ulf! here hath been an ambushment, methinks'tis a likely place for such.

But, as Sir Benedict rode, pushing past the files of his halted company, he felt hands that gripped either stirrup and glancing down beheld Ulf the Strong on his one flank and grim Walkyn upon the other.

But Sir Benedict was there, loud-voiced and cheery still despite fatigue, and Sir Hacon was there, his wonted gloom forgotten quite, and Beltane was there, equipped with shield and vizored war-helm and astride a noble horse, and there, too, was Roger, grim and silent, and fierce Ulf, and Walkyn in black and evil temper; quoth he: "Ha'tis ever so, his life within my very grasp, yet doth he escape me!

But one more blow and the Red Pertolepe had been in hell" "Yet, forsooth, didst save our rear-guard, comrade!" said Ulf.

86 examples of  ulf  in sentences