7 examples of univers in sentences

The sole journal published by the coup d'état under these different titles Patrie, Univers, Moniteur, Parisien, etc., announced on the next day, Friday, the 5th, "that the ex-Representative Dussoubs (Gaston) had been killed at the barricade of the Rue Neuve Saint Eustache, and that he bore 'a red flag in his hand.'

Et dans sa gaîne, ainsi que le sang dans l'artère, La froide horloge bat, jetant dans le mystère, Goutte à goutte, le temps, saisons, printemps, hivers; Et chaque battement, dans l'énorme univers, Ouvre aux âmes, essaims d'autours et de colombes, D'un côté les berceaux et de l'autre les tombes.

En expirant, l'antique univers décrépit, Larve à la prunelle ternie, Gisant, et regardant le ciel noir s'étoiler, A laissé cette sphère heureuse s'envoler Des lèvres de son agonie.

Nor must the strange well-known line in La Bouche d'Ombre be forgotten Le fauve Univers est le forçat de Dieu.

the well-known line in Les Contemplations: Ce que dit la Bouche d'Ombre: Le fauve univers est le forçat de Dieu.

The most determined advocate of freedom of discussion must find it hard to disapprove of the suppression of the "Univers," which, while availing itself of every possible license to advocate the extremest doctrines of despotism in Church and State, demanded the suppression of freedom of all kinds in every other quarter.

The other brochure bore the title le Parti catholique and was directed against the despotism of the Univers and against Veuillot whose name he refused to mention.

7 examples of  univers  in sentences