60 examples of vendée in sentences

Arrived in the Vendée, your father will pledge his word to the general to undertake nothing against France.

Boisberthelot pointed to him with the forefinger of his left hand, and said to La Vieuville in a low voice: "La Vendée has a head.

The whole of this country north of the Loire, from Rennes to Nantes, the triangular point resting upon Angers, is the country of the Chouans, which it is necessary, in reference to the Vendean war, to distinguish from the country south of the Loire, in the department of the Loire Inférieure, called le Bocage, or la Vendée.

Verton is a romantic village standing on a hill: most of the houses are in ruins, from the effect of the destructive war of La Vendée.

The French writers, speaking of this interesting place, observe: "Comment soupçonner en effet qu'au milieu de cette terrible Vendée, qu'au centre de cet impénétrable et sombre Bocage, il existe un pays délicieux et fertile, couvert de mines séculaires qui rappelent tous les souvenirs historiques de notre ancienne France, comme le caractère de ses habitans en rappele les moeurs, le courage, et la loyauté".

The people had no religion to fight for, as in Russia or La Vendée.

It is pure dilettantism, again, to seek the moral of Irish commotions in the insurrection of La Vendée.

It will be time enough to compare La Vendée with Ireland when the peasantry take the field against the British Government with Beresfords, Fitzgeralds, and Bourkes at their head.

This he found in La Vendée, whose vast forests grow under the pencil of this master of all the more terrible and majestic effects, into a picture hardly less sombre and mighty in its impressiveness than the memorable ocean pieces of the Toilers of the Sea.

With La Vendée for background, and some savage incidents of the bloody Vendean war for external machinery, Victor Hugo has realised his conception of '93 in three types of character: Lantenac, the royalist marquis; Cimourdain, the puritan turned Jacobin; and Gauvain, for whom one can as yet find no short name, he belonging to the millenarian times.

"Pays, Patrie," says Victor Hugo, in words which perhaps will serve to describe many a future passage in French history, "ces deux mots résument toute la guerre de Vendée; querelle de l'idée locale centre l'idée universelle; paysans contre patriotes" (ii. 22).

Les Destins de la Vendée.

CLEMENCEAUX, GEORGES BENJAMIN, French politician, born in La Vendée; bred to medicine; political adversary of Gambetta; proprietor of La Justice, a Paris journal; an expert swordsman; b. 1841.

CONVENTION, NATIONAL, a revolutionary convention in France which, on September 20, 1792, succeeded the Legislative Assembly, proclaimed the Republic, condemned the king to death, succeeded in crushing the royalists of La Vendée and the south, in defeating all Europe leagued against France, and in founding institutions of benefit to France to this day; it was dissolved on October 26, 1795, to make way for the Directory.

HOCHE, LA, French general, born near Versailles; rose from the ranks to the command of the army of the Moselle; drove the Austrians out of Alsace, and suppressed the rising in and pacified La Vendée; while yet a sergeant bore a hand conspicuously at the overturn of the Bastille (17681797).

LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN, HENRI, COMTE DE, a celebrated Vendéan royalist; the peasants of La Vendée having in 1792 risen in the royal cause, he placed himself at the head of them, and after gaining six victories was killed fighting in single combat while defending Nouaillé (1772-1794).

I had read somewhere that, during the French Revolution, a young peasant-girl, by means of such an instrument, had set at large her lover, or her brother, in La Vendée; having taken with soft wax the outline of the wards of the lock, in a moment of opportunity.

et timbrée d'Auray, pleine Vendée ...

Sa mère, qui avait comme moi traversé toutes les guerres de la Vendée, sa mère avait un courage de lion!

une femme qui a été héroïque en Vendée, une femme qui adore le courage!

nous avons fait la guerre l'un contre l'autre en Vendée.... MONTRICHARD.

[Footnote 7: #timbrée#, post-marked.#pleine Vendée#, in the heart of Vendée, in Poitou, noted for the fierce civil war between the French Republic and the local royalists (March-December, 1793), and the scene of frequent royalist outbreaks for many years after.]

[Footnote 7: #timbrée#, post-marked.#pleine Vendée#, in the heart of Vendée, in Poitou, noted for the fierce civil war between the French Republic and the local royalists (March-December, 1793), and the scene of frequent royalist outbreaks for many years after.]

Then, too, '98 was a comparatively quiet year in Vendée.

#veine#, f., vein. #vendéen#, inhabitant of Vendée.

60 examples of  vendée  in sentences