427 examples of vos in sentences

A quarter of an hour later M. De Vos went out in his motor-car toward the German line to discuss the conditions on which the city should be surrendered.

Take this as a specimen, "Votre beauté, grande princesse, Porte les traits dont elle blesse Jusques aux plus sauvages lieux: L'Afrique avec vous capitule, Et les conquêtes de vos yeux Vont plus loin que celles d'Hercule.

Boileau says to his pupil, 'Que les vers ne soient pas votre éternel emploi, Cultivez vos amis[1091].' That voluntary debility, which modern language is content to term indolence, will, if it is not counteracted by resolution, render in time the strongest faculties lifeless, and turn the flame to the smoke of virtue.

The contents of the second are unknown; the first is copied in the Nuncio's Memoirs, "Nous ne doubtons point, que les choses n'yront bien, et que les bonnes intentions commencés par effect du dernier pape ne s'accomplisseront par celuys icy, et par vos moyens, en notre royaume d'Irelande et de Angleterre.

Nunc vos, si vobis placet, Et si placuimus neque odio fuimus, signum hoc mittite; Qui pudicitiae esse voltis praemium, plausum date!- We see here the opinion entertained regarding the Greek comedy by the party of moral reform; and it may be added, that even in those rarities, moral comedies, the morality was of a character only adapted to ridicule innocence more surely.

But the audience is clearly not quite ready yet, for the second section begins: Barons, écoutez-moi, et cessez vos querelles!

He calls a [2801] magician, God's minister and his vicar, applying that of vos estis dii profanely to them, for which he is lashed by T. Erastus part.

And as Marsilius Ficinus concludes an epistle to Bernard Canisianus, and some other of his friends, will I this tract to all good students, "Live merrily, O my friends, free from cares, perplexity, anguish, grief of mind, live merrily," laetitia caelum vos creavit: "Again and again I request you to be merry, if anything trouble your hearts, or vex your souls, neglect and contemn it," "let it pass."

If some Jupiter should say, to give us all content, [3580] "Jam faciam quod vultis; eris tu, qui modo miles, Mercator; tu consultus modo, rusticus; hinc vos, Vos hinc mutatis discedite partibus; eia Quid slatis? nolint.

If some Jupiter should say, to give us all content, [3580] "Jam faciam quod vultis; eris tu, qui modo miles, Mercator; tu consultus modo, rusticus; hinc vos, Vos hinc mutatis discedite partibus; eia Quid slatis? nolint.

Their right to it was long contested; nor has anything been done since the labors of Willems, who, in opposition to the opinion of William Grimm, settles the authorship of the "Reinaert de Vos" on Utenhove, a priest of Aerdenburg.

non est hec via redeundi ad patriam, Pater mi, sed si alia per vos, aut deinde per alios invenietur que fame d. (Dantis) que onori non deroget, illam non lentis passibus acceptabo.

Citizens I can at once wave away with a regretful nescio vos; foot-officers are decently reserved in their thirst for knowledge of an essentially Secret Service; but officers' wives I was growing to like the Royal Gapshire Cyclists (H.D.), my neighbours in the next field, until last Friday, when they perpetrated their Grand Athletic Tournament.

They all began to chaff about the Vicomte; "Il ne chevauchera jamais si loin, pas même pour vos beaux yeux," the Marquise said.

" "Sic vos non vobis" "Yes, you have the work, and we have the pay; which is a very fair division of labour, considering the world we live in.

Mais, cher ami, vous êtes Normand et peut-être bien que ce sent vos ancêtres qui out pillé mon pays; c'est une raison de plus pour que je vous offre ce roman.

Il prenait, disiez-vous, vos intérêts avec une ardeur!Certainement, il a d'abord pris mes intérêts, mais il a fini par prendre aussi mon capital!"

J'ai combattu moi-même, exposant ma vie pour sauver vos jours.

"Combien toutes vos pommes?

Si vous portiez, dit le Gascon, tous vos habits sur vous, comme je porte tolls les miens, je vous assure que vous auriez toujours chaud."

s'écrie Chirac, les occupations politiques vous ont épuisé, et il importe que vous rétablissiez au plus tôt vos forces.

Le boucher est -bas, le boulanger est plus loin; allez chercher du pain et de la viande et s'il y a du charbon de bois, ma femme, qui s'entend un peu à la cuisine, vous accommodera vos provisions.

LESER, HEDWIG G. Alternative exercises to Vos's essentials of German, 5th ed.

Based on Vos's Essentials of German.

SEE Vos, B. J. LEVENS, A. S. Descriptive geometry, by A. S. Levens & H. C. T. Eggers.

427 examples of  vos  in sentences