1568 examples of was hoping in sentences

I confess that Godfrey's indifference to the fate of the cabinet surprised me greatly; besides, I was hoping that he would wish to meet the fascinating Frenchman.

"He knows that Drouet was killed while searching for a packet of letters, which would have compromised most seriously a great lady; he knows that M. Vantine was killed while endeavouring to open the drawer after its secret had been revealed to him by the maid of that same great lady, who was hoping to get a reward for them; Morel met death directly at the hands of Crochard because he was a traitor and deserved it."

[-40-] Nor did they propose that Caesar any longer should receive any great reward, but even undertook to overthrow him, by allowing Decimus to secure all the prizes for which he was hoping.

He was hoping desperately that he would find a letter from Dora there.

She was hoping that those handsome eyes might never be used as his had been, but she gave no utterance to her thoughts.

Professor Holden was hoping you'd take a tramp with him.

Every minute Muskwa was hoping that Thor would stop.

Ezekiel had not yet graduated from college, but he had read law and was hoping to be admitted to the bar.

Her brother, Captain Wayneworth Jones, was divorced from his wife and wedded to something he was hoping would in turn be wedded to a rifle; all the scientific cells of the family having been used for Wayne's brain, it was hard for Katie to get the nature of the attachment, but she trusted the ordnance department would in time solemnly legalize the affairWayne giving in marriagedestruction profiting happily by the union.

I knew what he was hoping forthe way you go on hoping against hope when your dog's lost.

I was hoping to secure your forgiveness for what happened this afternoon.

Friends gave up all hope of her recovery, and even the hopeful physician felt that he was hoping against hope.

But I was hoping that you might stay on and paint it here at 'Wake-Robin'!" He looked off toward Thimble Island a moment before replying.

I could not help thinking what my condition would have been if I had tried to cross it and been mired in the bog, and like any good stockman, I was hoping that my cattle had got safe across in their rush for home and safety.

"I was just thinking how beautifully cool it is in here," said the sergeant, who was hoping for a repetition of the previous Sunday's performance.

"I was hoping that you'd know who'd been overlooking me and that you'd make 'em take the spell off.

I had decided to go entirely unarmed, and I was hoping that the men of the other brigades would have as much consideration for me, as I did not think it very unlikely that I should run against one of them in the darkness.

I was hoping there was no infantry picket-line.

Nothing for me to do but to wait; I was hoping that an opportunity had been found.

"That was what I was hoping for and counting on.

I was hoping he would run aground, but he succeeded in making the bay without accident.

I was hoping he would give me up and go, for by this time I was suffering severely from the cold.

I believe he was hoping to find a doctor, for he was thoroughly frightened.

Not only did she know that he would not attend to it, but the hint, heard for the first time, that Peregrine was supposed to have met with foul play, sealed her lips, just when she still was hoping against hope that Charles might be on the way home.

One Pentecost Day, when all the knights were assembled, as usual, around the table at Camelot, a distressed damsel suddenly entered the hall and implored Lancelot to accompany her to the neighboring forest, where a young warrior was hoping to receive knighthood at his hands.

1568 examples of  was hoping  in sentences