Which preposition to use with appeased

with Occurrences 7%

They would offer their fairest, their dearest, their sons and their daughters, to the wasps; as the Carthaginians, in like strait, offered in one day 200 noble boys to Moloch, the volcano- god, whose worship they had brought out of Syria; whose original meaning they had probably forgotten; of whom they only knew that he was a dark and devouring being, who must be appeased with the burning bodies of their sons and daughters.

in Occurrences 7%

Their Thor and Odin were at first, probably, only the thunder and the wind: but they had to be appeased in the dark marches of the forest, where hung rotting on the sacred oaks, amid carcases of goat and horse, the carcases of human victims.

by Occurrences 7%

I have, indeed, by standing carelessly at an open window, got a very troublesome cough, which it has been necessary to appease by opium, in larger quantities than I like to take, and I have not found it give way so readily as I expected; its obstinacy, however, seems at last disposed to submit to the remedy, and I know not whether I should then have a right to complain of any morbid sensation.

at Occurrences 3%

But the wrath of the Arch-Enemy, as may well be believed, waxed greater as this prodigious structure gradually developed itself in all its lordliness and strength, and was not at all appeased at its triumphant completion.

for Occurrences 2%

The leaders of the aristocracy still hated him, and could not be appeased for the overthrow of their power.

without Occurrences 1%

Another physician was in consequence called in to see if the rheumatic fever could be appeased without the loss of blood.

towards Occurrences 1%

"For some time past I have feared that a fatality hung over the dauphin," Fenelon had written at the first news of his illness; "I have at the bottom of my heart a lurking apprehension that God is not yet appeased towards France.

until Occurrences 1%

Enraged at this, she tells her father that she will not be appeased until married to Cephalo.

Which preposition to use with  appeased