Which preposition to use with caves

of Occurrences 216%

The poet has well said, 'Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of Ocean bear; And many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air.'

in Occurrences 147%

"The cave in the cliff, of course," said Trendon.

on Occurrences 38%

Let me bring my story back to the cave on the island.

with Occurrences 31%

The mistress of the house tried to keep order, and in reply to our inquiries told us that the cave guide was then in the cave with a party of ladies.

at Occurrences 28%

"Don't you think I'd better go and keep cave at the top of the stairs?" whispered Fletcher.

for Occurrences 20%

"We'll go back to the cave for the night, after all," he told her quietly.

to Occurrences 19%

Explored cave to-day.

near Occurrences 16%

Among the adventures of this period are an expedition across the Ilissus to some caves near Kharyati, in which the travellers were by accident nearly entombed; another to Pentelicus, where they tried to carve their names on the marble rock; and a third to the environs of the Piraeus in the evening light.

under Occurrences 10%

The defenders of the works were packed in caves under the parapets; the gunners lay dead in heaps on the batteries; the wounded could not be removed by day, because the communications with the rear were now searched throughout by the fire of the allies, and so lay where they fell, in torment in the sun beside the more fortunate slain.

from Occurrences 10%

The second expands the picture drawn of the philosopher in Plato's Republic after his return to the cave from the region of truth.

among Occurrences 9%

The ideals of his heart were not political; and when he indulges himself, as he did in his latest plays, you must look for him in the wilds; whether on the road near the shepherd's cottage, or in the cave among the mountains of Wales, or on the seashore in the Bermudas.

into Occurrences 7%

Later ages have converted the whole cave into a temple of Ganpati, whence the caves obtain their name of Ganesh Lena; and the once plain walls, whose very austerity reflected perhaps the life of the monks dwelling within them, have been rudely plastered, white-washed and covered with inferior representations of incidents in the lives of Devi, Krishna, Shiv and Ganpati.

like Occurrences 7%

Did he live in a cave like a wild beast, or was this some trap into which he was luring me?

by Occurrences 7%

Enticing him from his cave by sending two fair women to the entrance, Izdubar took him captive and led him to Ourouk, where the jinn married one of the women whose charms had allured him, and became henceforth the well-loved servant of Izdubar.

in Occurrences 6%

As one of the Indian tribes had preserved a story of Seven Caves in which their ancestors had once lived, the credulous and romantic Spaniards easily confounded the two legends.

behind Occurrences 5%

But as he sat thus, from the gloom of the cave behind him a voice spakea soft voice and low, at sound whereof he started and turned him about.

without Occurrences 5%

"I was a little doubtful about the propriety of going to the Mammoth Cave without a gentleman escort, but if two ladies travel alone they must have the courage of men.

beneath Occurrences 5%

" So, when they had caught their breath again, together they arose and, coming to the cave beneath the steep, they re-made the fire and set the pot thereon; which done, Roger brought forth his lord's armour, bright and newly polished, and in a while Beltane stood, a shining figure from golden spur to gleaming bascinet.

of Occurrences 4%

The Caves of Puma Urco, near Paccaritampu

than Occurrences 4%

It was a dismal hole in the dim light, more like a cave than the former habitation of men, but presented no obstacle to our entrance, and I led the way down the stairs, gripping the rail to keep from falling.

within Occurrences 4%

Before a cave within the Gab-ri wild, A seer is resting on a rock; exiled By his own will from all the haunts of men, Beside a pool within a rocky glen He sits; a turban rests upon his brow, And meets the lengthened beard of whitest snow.

between Occurrences 3%

Huge, bossy cumuli developed with astonishing rapidity from mere buds, swelling with visible motion into colossal mountains, and piling higher, higher, in long massive ranges, peak beyond peak, dome over dome, with many a picturesque valley and shadowy cave between; while the dark firs and pines of the upper benches of the Sierra were projected against their pearl bosses with exquisite clearness of outline.

below Occurrences 3%

Where, as proud Maffon rises rude and bleak, And with mishapen turrets crests the Peak, Old Matlock gapes with marble jaws, beneath, And o'er fear'd Derwent bends his flinty teeth; 175 Deep in wide caves below the dangerous soil Blue sulphurs flame, imprison'd waters boil.

as Occurrences 3%

As to the motives which have actuated this mode of burial, a discussion would be out of place at this time, except as may incidentally relate to our own Indians, who, so far as can be ascertained, simply adopt caves as ready and convenient resting places for their deceased relatives and friends.

along Occurrences 3%

He questioned Creedon again and again, and made out that the old Mexican had lived in the cave along with Creedon for months at a time, and as he learned, the old man had thrown out a great many hints.

Which preposition to use with  caves