Which preposition to use with colliery

at Occurrences 3%

Mr. Blackett, who owned Wylam Colliery at the beginning of the nineteenth century, took the keenest interest in the question of locomotives, and had tried more than one on his estate before George Stephenson brought them to the point of practical use.

in Occurrences 3%

Was it then a prudent thing for them to rest on this commerce for the further improvement of their property? There was a species of slavery, prevailing only a few years ago, in the collieries in certain boroughs in Scotland.

for Occurrences 1%

1855 Feb. 2 Lecture on the Pendulum Experiments R. Inst. lately made in the Harton Colliery for ascertaining the mean Density of the Earth.

of Occurrences 1%

The scene of Methodism had been English villages and country towns, the moors of Cornwall, and the collieries of Bristol, at length London fashionable chapels.

on Occurrences 1%

The hedges, blackened with smuts from the colliery on the other side of the slope, were dripping also with raindrops.

with Occurrences 1%

According to the London Mining Journal, Mr. W.E. Garforth, of Normanton, has introduced an ingenious invention, the object of which is to detect fire-damp in collieries with the least possible degree of risk to those engaged in the work.

Which preposition to use with  colliery