Which preposition to use with complimentary

to Occurrences 47%

"I must say you're complimentary to the few other Christians scattered about the world.

in Occurrences 3%

Der Herr speaks German like a native," says the gendarme, growing complimentary in his perplexity.

as Occurrences 3%

" "You are nearly as complimentary as he," said Marian, blushing with a gratification which she was very unwilling to betray.

than Occurrences 3%

Nothing could have been more delicate or complimentary than Addison's letter, but it did not, and could not, disguise the main fact.

about Occurrences 2%

John, thus appealed to, laughed heartily at Miss Schomberg's fears, said something not very complimentary about Miss S. speaking one word for the farmer's stack, and two for her own nerves, and made his escape to join his brother, and the two young farmers, who were delighted at the prospect of a frolic.

of Occurrences 2%

To Gitche Iauba, the chief at the bay of Kewywenon, in Lake Superior, who had been instrumental in producing the delivery, I presented a silver medal of the first class, with a written speech approbatory of the act, and complimentary of himself.

without Occurrences 1%

He is complimentary without being polite, or at least without having the air of it.

for Occurrences 1%

No epithets are too fine or too complimentary for such a luminary, and there was no dust under her rays.

at Occurrences 1%

I'm afraid I wasn't over-complimentary at the moment, but I've had time since to appreciate her tact and presence of mind.

toward Occurrences 1%

The report of this brush spread abroad, and the men on the regular crew were rather complimentary toward the freshmen.

from Occurrences 1%

Vastly complimentary from one who 'don't like amber'!" "Nevertheless, you think so.

Which preposition to use with  complimentary