Which preposition to use with desserts

of Occurrences 13%

The French often serve plain or grated cheese with a dessert of fresh or dried fruit.

for Occurrences 10%

We filled our tin pails with this delicious fruit for a dessert for our evening meal.

in Occurrences 7%

Suitable for a dessert in September or October.

with Occurrences 7%

"I think," she said, coming up to him and laying one hand on his knee"I think if I were to go to bed instead of coming down to dessert with you this evening, that would punish me; don't you think so?" "Very well, that will do.

on Occurrences 4%

The general mode of putting a dessert on table, now the elegant tazzas are fashionable, is, to place them down the middle of the table, a tall and short dish alternately; the fresh fruits being arranged on the tall dishes, and dried fruits, bon-bons, &c., on small round or oval glass plates.

from Occurrences 4%

At dessert, the slips being removed, the butler receives the dessert from the other servants, and arranges it on the table, with plates and glasses, and then takes his place behind his master's chair to hand the wines and ices, while the footman stands behind his mistress for the same purpose, the other attendants leaving the room.

at Occurrences 2%

" Meantime Norine's little boy had taken his stand in front of Madame Angelin, for he knew very well that, on the days when the good lady called, there was some dessert at supper in the evening.

into Occurrences 2%

It is as unwise to be always saying to oneself, 'Into what pigeon-hole of my brain ought I to put this fact, and what conclusion ought I to draw from it?' as to ask your teeth how they intend to chew, and your gastric juice how it intends to convert your three courses and a dessert into chyle.

than Occurrences 2%

Filberts are more esteemed at the dessert than common nuts, and are generally eaten with salt.

off Occurrences 2%

Take the best magazines even if you have to leave feathers off your hat and desserts off your table.

FOR Occurrences 1%


before Occurrences 1%

She kept the desserts before her and cut portions to suit the quality of her liking for each patron.

by Occurrences 1%

Much variety may be given this simple dessert by serving it with a dressing of fruit juices; red raspberry, strawberry, grape, current, cranberry, cherry, and plum are all very good.

to Occurrences 1%

In the intellectual advantages that the place offered he could find no solace; the highly developed Arabian art of words, poetry with its fictitious amourettes, its polished descriptions of portions of Arabian nature, its venal vain praise and satire, might serve as dessert to a well-filled dish; they were unable to compensate for the lack of material prosperity.

after Occurrences 1%

But I will not rhapsodize to one who thinks no more of a sea-breeze every afternoon than of dessert after dinner.

Which preposition to use with  desserts