Which preposition to use with embankment

of Occurrences 20%

Here, sitting on the stump of an old tree, he spies little Bob Peepers, weeping as if his heart would break: the briny tears coursing down his ruddy cheeks form little rivulets of salt water with high embankments of genuine soil on either side, and a distracted map of a war-ridden country is depicted upon his grief-stricken countenance.

at Occurrences 8%

As we passed the railway embankment at Rubbia, we saw and spoke to some Italian machine-gunners in position, whose orders were to hold up the enemy till the last possible moment.

with Occurrences 5%

From a plain of whitish-grey soil, covered with concentric shells as large as a nut, rises a circular embankment with gently-sloping sides, intersected only by a small cleft which serves as an entrance, and which shows, on its edges denuded of vegetation, the loose rapilli of which the embankment is formed.

in Occurrences 5%

Some of it not much used now, since winter had come, but under Marty's leadership, a skating rink construction gang had thrown up a dirt embankment in a low spot near the creek and then cut a channel far enough upstream to flood about four acres of swamp.

on Occurrences 5%

The Embankment on the one side of the Thames is noble in itself, but you look across from it at the hideous and dirty wharves of Southwark.

into Occurrences 2%

But the almost uninjured railway trucks that had run their little race, down embankments into the bush, were saved to run again.

for Occurrences 2%

Coral blocks have been quarried from the reef and fitted to make an embankment for half a mile, which juts out just far enough to be usable as a mole.

to Occurrences 2%

The system of agriculture practised in this part of Baluchistán is simple, but effective, the fields being divided off by ridges of earth and raised embankments to an accurate level.

against Occurrences 1%

In this manner, at Lowestoffe-Ness, as well as at Yarmouth, the sea has erected a series of natural embankments against itself.

beside Occurrences 1%

We passed along the broad embankment beside the Tiber and through the Square of St Peter's.

below Occurrences 1%

A signpost, as I turned into the square, told me that I was at Jouy-sur-Morin, and a few moments later, I came upon a group of gentlemen in frock coats standing talking on an embankment below the church.

over Occurrences 1%

At one spot, on a high embankment over standing water, the rail was gone, sunk probably.

along Occurrences 1%

His glance rested on the green embankment along the beck.

towards Occurrences 1%

The London County Council, School Board, Common Council, Court of Aldermen, and the Royal Academicians after discovering, respectively, some trifling sources of dissatisfaction, wreck their several establishments, and finally march along the Thames Embankment towards Westminster, singing, alternately, the "Marseillaise" and "Ask a Pleece-man.

under Occurrences 1%

Moreover, its contribution to our liveliness, when it does arrive, falls at an extremely steep angleso steep, indeed, that it only just clears the embankment under which we live, and falls upon the very doorsteps of the dug-outs with which that sanctuary is honeycombed.

from Occurrences 1%

It was one of a fairly new block of four or five at the bottom of Beaufort Street, about half a mile along the embankment from George's house.

Which preposition to use with  embankment