Which preposition to use with lawsuit

with Occurrences 9%

There is a great similitude in the genius and adventures (the one being productive of the other) between Madame Constantia and Lady Vane: the first mentioned has the advantage in birth and, if I am not mistaken, in understanding: they have both had scandalous lawsuits with their husbands, and are endowed with the same intrepid assurance.

in Occurrences 9%

White pathetically reports the case of four of the women who had married slave husbands and had twenty children for the possession of whom the Friends had to stand a lawsuit in the courts.

against Occurrences 6%

Messalla had then, besides making himself an adept at philosophyat Naples perhaps, since Vergil knew himand stealing away student hours at Athens for Greek verse writing, gained no little renown by taking a lawsuit against the most learned lawyer of the day, Servius Sulpicius.

for Occurrences 5%

It was not an equal tax, as the greater part of the revenue derived from it must arise from lawsuits for the recovery of debts, and be paid by the lower sort of people; it was a heavy tax on the poor, and a tax on them for being poor.

over Occurrences 5%

Purchasers of land are more than likely to find themselves immediately embroiled in a lawsuit over the title.

about Occurrences 3%

There has been a long lawsuit about it, but it's nearly settled, and there isn't much doubt that we shall get it.

into Occurrences 2%

I have put my lawsuit into the hands of an Enfield practitioner,a plain man, who seems perfectly to understand it, and gives me hopes of a favorable result.

to Occurrences 2%

The right of jurisdiction seems to have been so inherent to the right of property, that a landed proprietor could always put an end to feuds and personal quarrels, could temporarily bring any lawsuit to a close, and, by issuing his ban, stop the course of the law in his own immediate neighbourhoodat least, within a given circumference of his residence.

as Occurrences 2%

Tales, as peaceful a man as could be found, was as much opposed to lawsuits as any one and more submissive to the friars than most people; so, in order not to smash a palyok against a kawali (as he said, for to him the friars were iron pots and he a clay jar), he had the weakness to yield to their claim, remembering that he did not know Spanish and had no money to pay lawyers.

of Occurrences 2%

As the father of his flock, he arranges, or directs, the lawsuits of his parishioners; it is he who draws out their writings; goes to the capital to plead for the Indians; opposes his prayers, and sometimes his threats, to the violent acts of the provincial magistrates, and arranges every thing in the most fit and quiet manner.

during Occurrences 1%

" It is not wonderful that this was the first and last lawsuit during his administration, and that no one was found who cared to hold the office of constable.

without Occurrences 1%

CASSAGNAC, GRANIER DE, a French journalist; at first an Orleanist, became a supporter of the Empire; started several journals, which all died a natural death; edited Le Pays, a semi-official organ; embroiled himself in duels and lawsuits without number (1806-1880).

by Occurrences 1%

He had shouted over the house roofs that he would have no marriage at all, but rather a good lawsuit by way of sending all the Froments to prison.

between Occurrences 1%

He not only inherited all the wealth of his father, but also that of his grandfather François de Coligny, a fact which, after his death, caused a lawsuit between the family of La Trémouille and the Duc d'Elboeuf.

before Occurrences 1%

This letter completely crushed the Elector and, to his utter dismay, private communications from Berlin reached him a short time after, announcing the institution of the lawsuit before the Supreme Court at Berlin and containing the remark that Kohlhaas, in spite of all the efforts of the lawyer assigned him, would in all probability end on the scaffold.

Which preposition to use with  lawsuit