Which preposition to use with limn

in Occurrences 4%

They range from the lowest to the highest,from the wanton to the saint; they are drawn in firm lines, and limned in imperishable colors, ...

against Occurrences 3%

Rather call the dusky and dark-haired Twilight, whose pensive face is limned against the western hills, by the name of that fierce and fervid Noon that stands erect under the hot zenith, instinct with the red blood of a thousand summers, casting her glittering tresses abroad upon the south-wind, and holding in her hands the all-unfolded rose of life.

like Occurrences 1%

Duchemin could see for miles up and down the valley, a panorama wildly picturesque and limned like a rainbow.

on Occurrences 1%

The poem is also given in The Golden Treasury, p. 37; where, however, 'limns the water' is changed into 'limns on water.'

Which preposition to use with  limn