Which preposition to use with lists

of Occurrences 3709%

We were giving a ball at the Quai d'Orsay a few nights afterward, and had also asked a great many peopleall the ambassadors sent in very large lists of invitations they wanted for their compatriots, but much the largest was that sent in by the American minister.

under Occurrences 124%

Then compare your list with the list under the antonym in Exercise A; if possible, improve your list by means of this comparison.

for Occurrences 91%

Every Monday morning we received the list for the week, and, after making our own selection, distributed them to the official world generally,sometimes to our own personal friends.

in Occurrences 85%

1. Discuss as abstractly as possible such topics as those listed in Activity 1 for EXERCISE - Discourse, or as the following: Is there any such thing as luck?

to Occurrences 64%

~Soldiers of Wei Bewail Separation from Their Families~ List to the thunder and roll of the drum! See how we spring and brandish the dart!

with Occurrences 56%

Then compare your list with the list under the antonym in Exercise A; if possible, improve your list by means of this comparison.

as Occurrences 37%

You may find ology, logy, logo, or log listed as a combining form, its meaning given, and examples of its use in compounds cited.

on Occurrences 28%

There is usually a run on the list on that day.

at Occurrences 24%

cried Winfrida shrinking, "surely 'tis the horse that bore Sir Gilles of Brandonmere in the lists at Barham Broom" "So now, my lady Winfrida, shall it bear thee and thy love to Mortain and happinessO loved Mortain!

from Occurrences 19%

Suppose you start out early every morning with your note-book, walk for seven or eight miles along the Bloomingdale Road, and make your list from the innumerable inscriptions on the rocks in that vicinity.

against Occurrences 19%

" Rosa blushed, Jack felt foolish, and everybody laughed except Dick, who looked unutterable things at his adored, and boldly entered the lists against the great personage by asking, in a quivering treble: "Doesn't the Bible say that the wife shall cleave to the husband; that his people shall be her people, his God her God, where he goes she goes?"

of Occurrences 17%

Related in Blood Exercise Words Related by Marriage Exercise Prying into a Word's Relationships Exercise Two Admonitions General Exercise for the Chapter (with Lists of Words Containing the Same Key-Syllables)

by Occurrences 10%

Then compare your list with the list under the antonym in Exercise A; if possible, improve your list by means of this comparison.

in Occurrences 9%


without Occurrences 4%

He that traverses the lists without an adversary, may receive, says the philosopher, the reward of victory, but he has no pretensions to the honour.

out Occurrences 4%

If they might so take and choose whom they list out of all the fair maids their nation affords, they could happily condescend to marry: otherwise, &c., why should a man marry, saith another epicurean rout, what's matrimony but a matter of money?

after Occurrences 3%

As an aid to the hostess we have listed after each menu what these preliminary preparations may be.

among Occurrences 3%

The Hungarian Countess Marie Erdödy (née Countess Niczky) is listed among his flames, though Schindler thinks it "nothing more than a friendly intimacy between the two."

into Occurrences 3%

Of candidates there are enough, more than enough, even to spare; Toting lists where the electors' names are inscribed; ballot-urns-no, ballot-boxes this time-to receive the lists; these are all to be found, but voters to put the lists into the ballot-boxes, to elect the candidates, we seek them in vain.

with Occurrences 2%

The common Fry of Scriblers, who have no other way of being taken Notice of but by attacking what has gain'd some Reputation in the World, would have furnished me with Business enough, had they found me dispos'd to enter the Lists with them.

before Occurrences 2%

I had just obtained notes of different banks for my travelling expenses, and I knew not how many thereof might belong to the bankrupt list before me; a short examination sufficed, and with a quieted mind, I continued my stroll and my cigar.

between Occurrences 2%

The maid Mellent had sunk upon her knees and was praying desperate prayers with face upturned to heaven; but none was there to mark her now amid that silent gatheringall eyes were strained to watch those grim and silent horsemen that fronted each other, the length of the lists between; even Duke Ivo, leaning on lazy elbow, looked with glowing eye and slow-flushing cheek, ere he let fall his truncheon.

like Occurrences 2%

The tenderness of Christian feeling has found no more exalted expression than in the multitudes of the Madonnas, one more lovely than another, like roses on a tree in June, from the maidenly "Madonna del Gran' Duca" to the celestial vision of the San Sisto, that sublimest lyric of the art of Catholicity.[260] It is only by hurrying through a list like this that we can appreciate the many-sided perfection of Raphael's accomplishment.

over Occurrences 2%

Look at the endless columns of stock and share quotations in the daily papers, and consider the armies of those who scan these lists over their breakfast-tables with the one view of finding some-where an industrial concern whose slave-driven toilers will yield the shareholder 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 per cent, on his capital.

up Occurrences 2%

CANADA'S CASUALTIES Canada's casualty list up to November 1, 1918 (eleven days before the armistice), totaled 211,358, classified as follows: Killed in action, 34,877; died of wounds or disease, 15,457; wounded, 152,779; presumed dead, missing in action and known prisoners of war, 8,245.

Which preposition to use with  lists