Which preposition to use with monolith

of Occurrences 5%

Not alone do we share that speech with them, but that matchless literature, also English, and more than that, racial customs, laws and manners, of which many are as old as the Norman conquest, while others, for aught we know, are survivals from an age when human sacrifices were made around the monoliths of Stonehenge.

in Occurrences 3%

The marble pediment is supported by four tortoises, such as support the monoliths in the Piazza S. Maria Novella.

across Occurrences 1%

One of the more highly speculative of the Bolivian writers, Señor Posnansky, of La Paz, believes that gigantic balsas were used in bringing ten-ton monoliths across the lake to Tiahuanaco.

with Occurrences 1%

One is a great monolith with a portrait of the king in all his fine array, and with one hundred and fifty-six lines of text.

Which preposition to use with  monolith