Which preposition to use with prays

for Occurrences 1387%

Every day she prayed for the people of Africa.

to Occurrences 629%

Is it not enough that he has a temple in Britain, that savages worship him and pray to him as a god, so that they may find a fool

with Occurrences 258%

She read from the Bible, prayed with the people, and promised to come back again on her next trip.

in Occurrences 178%

The man is asked to speak or pray in prayer-meeting, who cannot possibly do it well, but no notice is taken of the fact that he thoroughly understands public accounts.

at Occurrences 59%

It's been somethin' awful, the way I've been waylaid and prayed at for a passage.

over Occurrences 46%

Around her grave the grateful natives gathered and wept for her who had wept and prayed over them.

ye Occurrences 34%

"After this manner, therefore, pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

of Occurrences 30%

Do not act rashly, I pray of you," the woman said seriously, placing her hand upon my arm.

about Occurrences 28%

"Let us pray about this," Mary would say.

without Occurrences 27%

And if this wicked world is to be mended, then God must stir up the wills of His faithful people, and we must pray without ceasing for ourselves, and for all for whom we are bound to pray, that He would stir them up.

on Occurrences 26%

I lay my basket down and pray on the road.

before Occurrences 23%

He's a college professor and very pious; he makes his men pray before fighting, and has 'meetings' in the commissary tent twice a week.

by Occurrences 20%

" "But I would rather stay here and pray by your bedside," pleaded the son.

unto Occurrences 19%

Yet do I venture to pray unto ye for pardon, and surely the sinner who repents and perseveres in repentance should in due season obtain your forgiveness.

against Occurrences 15%

"Hear me not when I pray against Thy will, which is at all times the best!

like Occurrences 10%

He prayed like one at home with God.

from Occurrences 9%

Your mission to fulfil, That Freedom's consecrated soil Slaves may no longer till; Ay, toil and pray from deep disgrace Your native land to save; Weep o'er the miseries of your race, Your Brother is a Slave! COME JOIN THE ABOLITIONISTS.

beside Occurrences 8%

The sickly Louisianian, following her son from Pickens to Richmond, besieging God for vengeance with the mad impatience of her blood, or the Puritan mother praying beside her dead hero-boy, would have called Dode cowardly and dull.

within Occurrences 6%

And, as I hear that dreadful scream, High in the dawn all filled with song, I pray within my aching heart"O Lord!

under Occurrences 6%

His mind flashed back to one pictureCold Feet with her hands tied behind her back, praying under the cottonwood.

out Occurrences 4%

There, I knew, she would give from her poor wage that the soul of dead Terry should be the sooner prayed out of a place, which, it would seem, might have been created with an eye single to his just needs.

as Occurrences 3%

Two elderly men and a lad entered the room when the orison was finished, and a discussion followed between the "general" and the young man who had been praying as to some hymn they should sing.

until Occurrences 3%

He rushes into space with terrible vehemence; prays until the veins on his forehead swell and throb as if they would burst; and when he sits down he pants as if he had been running himself to death in a dream, whilst sweat pours off him as if he had been trying to burn up the sun at the equator.

near Occurrences 3%

After Mr. Arrowsmith preached an hour, then a psalm; thereafter Mr. Vines prayed near two hours, and Mr. Palmer preached an hour, and Mr. Seaman prayed near two hours, then a psalm; after Mr. Henderson brought them to a sweet conference of the heat confessed in the assembly, and other seen faults to be remedied, and the conveniency to preach against all sects, especially Anabaptists and Antinomians.

through Occurrences 3%

He prayed through all the frozen petitions of his expurgated form of supplication, and not a single heart was soothed or lifted, or reminded that its sorrows were struggling their way up to heaven, borne on the breath from a human soul that was warm with love.

Which preposition to use with  prays