Which preposition to use with sentimental

about Occurrences 11%

There is no use in being sentimental about the place going out of our family, and these Morristons are quite the right sort of people to have it.

in Occurrences 9%

He is habitually sentimental in treating not only those things fitted to awaken deep emotion, but also those trivial incidents which ordinarily cause scarcely a ripple of feeling.

as Occurrences 6%

He was from first to last the consistent friend of struggling patriots,sincere, honest, incorruptible, with horror of revolutionary excesses, as sentimental as Lamartine, yet as firm as Carnot.

over Occurrences 5%

I introduced Boggley, and we stood uncomfortably about, while the Rocking Horse Fly waxed sentimental over our meeting.

with Occurrences 2%

If you begin to be sentimental with 'em, sir, they'll get the habit of calling around here and bewailing their fate.

at Occurrences 2%

I always thought it a great bore, and sentimental at that.

for Occurrences 2%

" "Poh, poh, Joyce; this is much too sentimental for your Mohawks, and Oneidas, and Onondagas, and Tuscaroras.

of Occurrences 2%

Now, some people would say that it was very foolish and sentimental of David to be indulging in such a whim, and still more foolish in these men to gratify it at the risk of their lives; but I think there is a better way of looking at it.

on Occurrences 1%

It was difficult to be sentimental on the subject, but difficulties are easily surmounted by a lover; and though Sarah's childhood afforded few facilities for ecstatic reverie, stillthere had been moments, and especially towards the end of the holidays, when he and Sarah had walked on the banks of the river, with arms round each other's necks, sharing each other's toffee and confidences.

like Occurrences 1%

Every national prejudice, every vulgar superstition, every remnant of pedantic system, every sentimental like or dislike, must be left behind you, for the induction of the world problem.

than Occurrences 1%

She wished to get some personal profit out of things, and she rejected as useless all that did not contribute to the immediate desire of her heart, being of a temperament, more sentimental than artistic, looking for emotions not landscapes.

to Occurrences 1%

It would, I know, seem super-sentimental to them.

from Occurrences 1%

There we see how he plagued himself with the design of perfectly separating sentimental from naive poetry.

Which preposition to use with  sentimental