6 Verbs to Use for the Word aspers

The Ambassadour of the Emperour is allowed one thousand Aspers the day.

The wide and rich regions controlled by such families usually contributed neither an asper to the sultan's treasury nor a man to the imperial armies.

To fourtie Phisitions vnder him, to ech fourtie aspers, is three thousand, eight hundred, three score and sixe pounds, sixteene shillings.

The Aga of the Ianizaries, generall of the footemen, fiue hundred aspers the day, and maketh by the yeere in sterling money, one thousand, foure score and fifteene pounds.

The Capagi Bassas head porters foure, one hundred and fiftie aspers to ech, and maketh out in sterling money by the yeere, one thousand, three hundred, and fourteene pounds.

The chiefe Esquire vnder him, one hundred and fiftie aspers, is three hundred and eight and twenty pounds.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  aspers