4 Verbs to Use for the Word centum

[Footnote 1: Aliena negotia centum Per caput, et circa saliunt latus.

(As Catullus to Lesbia.) Da mihi basia mille, deindi centum, Dein mille altera, da secunda centum, Dein usque altera millia, deinde centum.

Hortulus hic Vive bidentis amans et culti villicus horti; Unde epulum possis centum dare Pythagoreis.

Si mihi sint centum linguae, sint oraque centum, no tongue can sufficiently declare, every story is full of men and women's insatiable lust, Nero's, Heliogabali, Bonosi, &c. Coelius Amphilenum, sed Quintius Amphelinam depereunt, &c. They neigh after other men's wives (as Jeremia, cap.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  centum