10 Verbs to Use for the Word con

22. See more in Plutarch, in his tract De his qui sero a Numine puniuntur, and in his book De tranquillitate animi, &c. Yea, and sometimes GOD himself hath a hand in it, to show his power, humiliate, exercise, and to try their faith, (divine temptation, Perkins calls it, Cas. cons.

Whenever I can freely dispose of a hundred pounds, I will also build a small dwelling for my corpse, under a beautiful Oriental plane-tree, which I mean to plant next November, and cultivate con amore.

His translations of the Spanish and French romances are also executed con amore, and with the literal fidelity and care of a mere linguist.

Now, she's got the con from him, I suppose, and it would be a shabby trick to leave her when she's dying and will be a mother in two months, according to Doctor Cassiou!" He made a wry face and lit his pipe.

The orison repeated in his arms, For God to bless her sire and all mankind; The book, the bosom on his knee reclined, Or how sweet fairy-lore he heard her con (The play-mate ere the teacher of her mind) All uncompanion'd else her years had gone, Till now in Gertrude's eyes their ninth blue summer shone.

There may be something to be said for these contentions, but to my mind the pros materially outweigh the cons.

Her pictures of the forests and fjords of Norway are the best of her works and painted con amore.

atención á aquel confuso murmullo que cada vez sonaba más próximo, en las ráfagas del aire, como gritos y cantares extraños, carcajadas y tres ó cuatro voces distintas que hablaban entre con un ruido y una algarabía semejante al de las muchachas del lugar, cuando riendo y bromeando por el camino, vuelven en bandadas de la fuente con

Mercurialis subscribes to them, cons.

It is interesting from first to last, and is an elaborate and well-told tale, written con amore, when Scott was in the maturity of his powers.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  con