7 Verbs to Use for the Word economist

Why shouldn't it? I defy any economist or financial expert to prove that it cannot.

"'Then proud as a prince, at the head of the band Rode the city field-marshal, with truncheon in hand, Though his epaulettes lately are gone; But he's still fine enough to astonish the cits, And drive the economists out of their wits, From Lords Waithman and Wood, to Lord John.

The old laissez faire political economist would ask, "Why, since labour is always moving towards the place where it can be most profitably employed, is it necessary to do anything but let it flow?

He sees estates bought and sold, squandered and increased, without praising the economist, or censuring the spendthrift.

I do not propose to lash this horse, which is every now and then trotted out and properly thrashed by reforming economists and others.

It is true that the existing great galleries come into the market only for pictures specially wanted to fill some important gap in their series, for which they pay prices that would startle our public economists.

People sometimes speak as though they supposed the economist to start from a few psychological assumptions (e. g. that a man is actuated mainly by his own self-interest) and to build up his theories upon such foundations by a process of pure reasoning.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  economist