12 Verbs to Use for the Word encores

As I approached, he gave an encore, and it was beyond question a groan.

When the last tone died away, the few who began to applaud were hushed by the silence of the others; and for once I played without receiving an encore.

He won an encore by a trick somersault old Benares had taught him.

At twelve o'clock, five of near-Broadway's best breed, in woolly anklets and wristlets and a great shaking of curls, execute the poodle-prance to half the encores of other days.

He laughed away the encores with a careless "Presently!"

He had answered many encores, and he was an instinctive artist.

Signor VALERO a good Ducal tenor: he scores a treble(a thing to be done in whist and music)i.e., treble encore for "La Donna è Mobile."

The jazz'll go to his head, and he'll stand clapping and demanding encores till his hands blister.

I sang six songs regularly every night, and if the audience was good to me and liberal in its applause I threw in two or three encores.

I ain't going to play an encore to the sozzle session number I pulled off last season.

Don't you think the laugh your enemies have raised deserves an encore!"

But he only elicits an encore.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  encores