4 Verbs to Use for the Word flotsam

This person knew the history of Ralph's parentage and saw through Craft's duplicity; and, in an unguarded moment, the attorney for the plaintiff closed this man's mouth by means which we can only guess at, and sent him forth to hide among the moral and the social wrecks that constitute the flotsam and the jetsam of society.

I saw under the shed at the other end the wonderful assortment of old iron pipes, kettles, tires, a pump or two, many parts of farm machinery, a broken water wheel, and I don't know what other flotsam of thirty years of diligent mending of the iron works of an entire community.

Through the gauze screen on to the white operating table passed all the flotsam of wounded humanity in the summer months.

I hear you have a jewel to sell, but you must know I do not purchase sailors' flotsam.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  flotsam