7 Verbs to Use for the Word glisten

I was away when Elsie's letter arrived; but as soon as I got into New York yesterday, I started off, and I am so glad to come, so glad to come;" and here Mrs. Lambert heard the eager voice falter, and saw the glisten of tears in the eyes that were regarding her and in the next instant felt them against her cheek as a tender kiss was pressed upon it.

Polished holly leaves glisten, and a bunch of tawny fungus rears itself above the grass.

" He drew it from his breast pocket and marked the sudden glisten of her eyes, reflecting the glisten of the gold in the silken mesh.

Kazan caught the glisten of the rifle in his hand.

" He drew it from his breast pocket and marked the sudden glisten of her eyes, reflecting the glisten of the gold in the silken mesh.

All the year round the foliage glistens, the blossoming sheds its fragrance, and every winter there is an ample harvest.

I noticed the long, bright barrel glisten in the sunlight, and then the little puff of white smoke curl gracefully up from the end, and knew that the foremost Indian had fallen, without looking towards him.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  glisten