21 Verbs to Use for the Word intonation

He betrayed his race nowadays by little more than his colour, a certain high-pitched intonation of his voice and an extraordinary skill in the game of polo.

We have Catullus stealing from his couch, to breathe a new intonation into the harp of Moore; and last of all, we have the votaress of virtue and moral feeling, the Cambrian minstrel, Mrs. Hemans, making melancholy appear as delightful as love.

Intently she listened, hoping to catch some intonation, some awkward arrangement of words that might betray his tongue for German, but the English he spoke was perfectnot the English of the United States nor yet of England, but rather the manner of speech that one hears from the world-traveler.

It created oriental combinations, vivid Eastern nosegays, discovered new intonations, antitheses which until then had been unattempted, selected and made use of antique nuances which it complicated, refined and assorted.

This gentleman was very fashionably dressed, of dark complexion, with the languid air and drawling intonation of a Southerner.

Mrs. Coombe's high voice held a fretful intonation.

It came with a quiet, if not insinuating, intonation.

Her voice was gay, but I who knew its every intonation, caught an undertone of worry.

Then followed other calls and other repetitions of the echoes, which did not lose the minutest intonation of the voice.

Recovering command of himself, he straightened up, taking a deep breath: "I must be guided by my conscience and my God," he said professionally, and I noted a more reverent intonation given to the former than to the latter.

The story went that his artless mother used to say that Emerson, when he talked, imitated Henry, and I well recall a certain slow hesitation and peculiar upward intonation which made me think of Emerson at whose house I had often been.

The language does not possess sufficient intonation to give effect to the recitative.

She read alternate verses with me, watching, at first, every intonation of my voice, and correcting the false ones, till she made me understand the verse, if within my reach, rightly, and energetically.

I must try to recall the intonations that came so naturally last evening, and see whether I can act what I then felt."

Again, I wish that I did not know his voice so wellthat I did not so clearly recognize that slightly guardedly malicious intonation.

Then he drew, not his sword from its scabbard, but a cigarette from its case, lighted it, and said simply: "'Eh bien?' "Who can render the intonation of that 'Eh bien'?

your Ladyship, Ma'am," he said, in tones that were getting tremulous, even while they retained the deep characteristic intonations of his profession, "we old sea-dogs never stop to look into an almanac, to see which way the wind will come after the next thaw, before we put to sea.

"Then call me what you like!" I am not learned in the variations of his voice, as I am in those of father and Algy, in either of which I can at once detect each fine inflection of anger, contest, or pain; but, comparatively unversed as I am in it, there sounds to me a slight, carefully smothered, yet still perceptible, intonation of disappointmentmortification.

Hot down in Mobile,"his style taking somewhat unpleasantly the intonation as well as the negligence of the bar-room,"can't live in Mobile in the summer.

Then rising, he approached his mild and dignified companion, adding, in tones but little above a whisper, "Lady repeat those words; change not a syllable, nor vary the slightest intonation of the voice, I pray thee.

" "If you think that this performance is going to do you any good" she began with withering intonation.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  intonation