21 Verbs to Use for the Word photographer

We find an enthusiastic photographer expending plates on this familiar view, which is sold all over the town; but we do not dare to suggest that the prints, however successful, will be painfully hackneyed, and we go on rejoicing that the questions of stops and exposures need not trouble us, for the world is ablaze with colour.

"If I know anything about my business, he's the man who gave me that left-handed jolt under the heart, he's the man who choked your shrimp photographer, he's the man who killed Martinez!" "Name of a green dog!"

Now, if you will wait a moment, I will bring the photographer and his machine.

In proper order he called the photographer who had taken the picture of the restaurant, the draftsman who had made the diagram of the interior, the policeman who had arrested Hassoun, the doctor who had performed the official autopsy upon the unfortunate Babu, and the five Syrians who had been present when the crime was perpetrated.

I'm thinking I'll clean out that photographer.

How he must have cursed that little photographer!

Her face defied both the photographer's and the painter's art.

"Whilst the two plates were drying the photographer and I made an enlargement from the negative I had taken by daylight.

The club women got a photographer and went the rounds of streets and alleys and private backyards.

There were some letters and photographs in the hair-dye man's trunk that you gave the photographer.

[Illustration] The three impurities of water which most interest the photographer are lime or magnesia salts, which give the so-called hardness; chlorides (as, for example, chloride of sodium or common salt), which throw down silver salts; and organic matter, which may overturn the balance of photographic operations by causing premature reduction of the sensitive silver compounds.

By a stroke of fortune while in East Prussia I became "assistant" for two days to a Government moving picture photographer who had a pass for himself and assistant in those happy days of inexactitude.

Reporters darted here and there followed by panting photographers bearing elephantine cameras and bulging boxes of plates, for the metropolitan press was "playing up" the tests which were expected to produce a definite aerial type of machine for the United States Navy.

I threw the calipers down, paid the photographer, and walked out through the shop into the street.

"What is your name?" "Alexander Godin," piped the photographer.

But the queen would have trouble in recognizing her photographer if she could see him now with straw in his tousled hair, and his jaw lolling under the weight of his terror, and his big, wild eyes staring this way and that.

I hope it is a success!" replied the enthusiastic photographer.

I had not sought of that Bond Street photographer the name and address of the original of the photograph that had been mutilated and destroyedthat girl with the magnificent eyes that had so attracted me.

A method recently described in the Photographic News will afford the amateur photographer a ready way of preparing a small quantity of the acid.

that shrimp photographer!

Can't you let me give a flash, and shoot afterwards?" begged the ardent photographer.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  photographer