304 Verbs to Use for the Word progresses

The Ouzel seldom swims more than a few yards on the surface, for, not being web-footed, he makes rather slow progress, but by means of his strong, crisp wings he swims, or rather flies, with celerity under the surface, often to considerable distances.

No wonder then, that I watched the progress of these animal mountaineers with keen sympathy, and exulted in the boundless sufficiency of wild nature displayed in their invention, construction, and keeping.

When we were about ten or twelve miles from the earth, the Brahmin arrested the progress of the car, and we hovered over the broad Atlantic.

"It was clearly for the good of mankind that Hannibal should be conquered; his triumph would have stopped the progress of the world; for great men can only act permanently by forming great nations; and no one man, even though it were Hannibal himself, can in one generation effect such a work.

It was well after noon when the Germans fled; and as the two British ships followed close on the heels of the enemywith the main British fleet still some distance backone of those deep impenetrable fogs that often impede progress on the North Sea suddenly descended.

This, as well as ridding ourselves of the metal balls, aided in checking our progress.

The extreme difficulty of moving the monster cannon with its immense balls retarded the Sultan's progress, and it was the beginning of April before the whole battering-train reached Constantinople, though the distance from Adrianople is barely a hundred miles.

We seemed to take a long time groping along seeking this; the squash of the wet soil under our feet was the only thing that marked our progress.

Every message the Turkish Commander received from his right must have reported progress against him.

We can almost trace its progress, and we feel that the time spent by us here is full of profit as well as pleasure.

Every Turkish galley that opposed their progress was crushed under the weight of their heavy hulls, while those that endeavored to board had their oars shivered in the shock, and drifted helpless far astern.

They were following the progress of Donnegan down the street.

At length, after attaining an elevation of about 12,800 feet, I found myself at the foot of a sheer drop in the bed of the avalanche channel I was tracing, which seemed absolutely to bar further progress.

Hitherto, her mother had been her only instructor in this most refined and refining of all human pleasures; but now she found an able and very ready teacher in Roger Williams: and it was a matter of astonishment to her father when he observed the rapid progress she made both in the science and the practice of music, from the time the interesting stranger undertook to give her lessons.

Then with cautious steps he continued his progress round the house and, coming to the other side, crouched close by the wall again and waited.

"'Look you,' said she, as she applied the whip to her pony, in a way that brought him, with a bound, across the road directly in front of me (she rode like a belted knight), obstructing my progress, 'Look you, Mr. W,' and there was a red spot on her cheek, and her eye sparkled like the sheen of a diamond, 'let us settle this matter now.

Two important reforms of monastic practice are interesting as showing further progress in the evolution of the Roman Breviary.

"Throw away your rifle, or strap it on your back where there's no chance it will hinder the progress, an', once havin' started, keep your mind well on the fact that we must get there, heedin' not what lies behind.

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.

Next morning, upon making my usual visit to note the progress of the early bulbs in the flower-beds, I encountered at the further end of the garden the remains of a cata portly and ancient grimalkin of the sterner sex.

It is the same power of Evolution working within ourselves, only with this difference, that in proportion as we come to realize its nature we find ourselves able to facilitate its progress by offering more and more favorable conditions for its working.

And, therefore, though there could be any one so regardless of the happiness of mankind, as to look without concern upon them who hurry themselves to the grave with poison, he may yet be incited by his own interest to prevent the progress of this practice, a practice which tends to the subversion of all order, and the destruction of all happiness.

The truth is, he was in a hurry, and something more than a hat or a basket was required to stay his progress towards home.

When I hear cheechalkos complaining of boredom up here in this world of daily miracles, I think of the native boy in the history-class, who, called on to describe the progress of civilisation, said: 'In those days men had as many wives as they liked, and that was called polygamy.

No enemy could delay our progress from that shell-torn spot.

304 Verbs to Use for the Word  progresses