3 Verbs to Use for the Word psyche

" In the past ten years she has exhibited "Mariana," 1893; "Psyche at the Throne of Venus," 1894; "Apollo and Daphne," 1895; "Summer," 1896; "Isabella," 1897; "Diana and Calisto," 1899; "Portrait of Marquis of Dufferin and Ava," 1901; "Lady Winifred Renshaw and Son," and the "Sirens," 1903, which is a picture of three nude enchantresses, on a sandy shore, watching a distant galley among rocky islets.

Strangely enough, beauty has been regarded as the most dangerous enemy of the soul, and the powers of darkness that are supposed to lie in wait for that frail and fluttering psyche, so precious and apparently so perishable, are usually represented as taking shapes of beguiling lovelinesslamias, loreleis, wood nymphs, and witches with blue flowers for their eyes.

[Footnote 142: 'Psyche:' an opera of Shadwell's.]

3 Verbs to Use for the Word  psyche