75 Verbs to Use for the Word subscriptions

In sending subscriptions give address, with Town, County, and State.

First, the amount to which we have endeavoured to raise our subscriptions has been to the extent of from two shillings to two shillings and sixpence weekly per head; in this late cold weather an additional sixpence has been provided, mainly for coal and clothing.

It is worth while to know that postmasters in Sweden will receive subscriptions for newspapers published in any part of the world.

Oh, yes, Scowl Austin was a hard manthe only owner on the creek who wouldn't even pay the little subscription every poor miner contributed to keep the Dawson Catholic Hospital going.

Gentlemen: I have maturely considered the bill proposing to authorize "a subscription of stock in the Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company," and now return the same to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, with my objections to its passage.

" Again he devoted a moment to thought, and then continued: "Tell you what I'll do, sir; I'll solicit the subscriptions myself, and deduct the price from the men's wages, as I do the cost of their other supplies.

But when the powers of government came to be delegated to the Union, thethat is, South Carolina and Georgiarefused their subscription to the parchment, till it should be saturated with the infection of slavery, which no fumigation could purify, no quarantine could extinguish.

These were all agreed to, and a committee of twelve was appointed to collect subscriptions and donations.

Also, little Roscoe, out of school hours, took subscriptions for the Youth's Companion.

On the 12th of the same month the Hall of Science was crowded with enthusiastic friends, who assembled to do him honor, and he was presented with a beautifully-illuminated address and a purse containing £177 (subsequent subscriptions raised the amount to £197 16s.

The occasion of its erection was this Vauxhall-road Chapel, in which Mr. Fielding had been preaching four or five years, had become too small for the accomodation of the congregation worshipping there, and it was thought advisable to open a subscription for a new and larger building.

But the attention of the public was not excited; there was no friend to promote a subscription; and the project died to revive at a future day.

She was for a short time warmly opposed; but she persevered in her notions, and withdrew her subscription.

Edgehill, for which he obtained a large subscription; and in the following year, the fable of Labour and Genius.

From this circumstance, Mr. William Bell, a man who possessed a fertile genius, suggested the idea of erecting a steam mill, and set on foot a subscription for that purpose, there being about seven thousand subscribers, at one pound each.

In this distress, Dr. Garth, who had been Mr. Dryden's intimate friend, sent for the corpse to the college of physicians, and proposed a subscription; which succeeding, about three weeks after Mr. Dryden's decease, Dr. Garth pronounced a fine latin oration over the body, which was conveyed from the college, attended by a numerous train of coaches to Westminster-Abbey, but in very great disorder.

Lord Palmerston gave a large subscription.

Most of them, especially the smaller subscribers, doubled their subscriptions in the last two days of the time allotted for the flotation.

The Defence Fund Committee in March, 1878, presented a balance-sheet, showing subscriptions amounting to £1,292 5s.

Theodosius, as soon as he had finished his campaign against the Goths, summoned the Arian archbishop of Constantinople, and demanded his subscription to the Nicene Creed or his resignation.

I give all these lectures on water.' He defended requiring subscription in those admitted to universities, thus: 'As all who come into the country must obey the king, so all who come into an university must be of the church.'

They even started a subscription to rebuild the press.

" "Well, Doctor," said Simeon, shortly, "you can do as you like; but I give you fair warning, that I, for one, shall stop my subscription, and go to Dr. Stiles's church.

The inauguration is due to the initiative of Mr. Lanssedat, for it was he who in 1885 suggested the national subscription, which was quickly raised.

On the advice of the magistrate the family have decided to discontinue their subscription to the half-penny press.

75 Verbs to Use for the Word  subscriptions