54 oraciones de ejemplo con tradition

"His artistic soul, nurtured in the illustrious literary school of Seville," says Correa, "and developed amidst Gothic Cathedrals, lacy Moorish and stained-glass windows, was at ease only in the field of tradition.

There is a tradition that the Cross of Christ was made of the wood of the White Poplar, and throughout

According to tradition he preached in various parts of Asia, and was flayed alive and then crucified, head downward, at Albanopolis in Armenia.

The older men, such as Villasandino, Sánchez de Talavera, Macías, Jerena, Juan Rodríguez del Padrón and Baena himself, continued the artificial Galician tradition, now run to seed.

He wrote verse in all three of the manners just named, but he will certainly be longest remembered for his serranillas, the fine flower of the Provençal-Galician tradition, in which the poet describes his meeting with a country lass.

Luzán (1702-1754) followed in general the precepts of Boileau, though he was able to praise some of the good points in the Spanish tradition.

The members of this academy were admirers of Herrera, the Spanish Petrarchist and patriotic poet of the sixteenth century, and they strove for a continuation of the tradition of the earlier Sevillan group.

Somewhat of the tradition of the Sevillan school persisted in the verses of Manuel CAÑETE and Narciso CAMPILLO (1838-1900) and in those of the poet and literary critic José AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS.

The romance popular is still alive in Spain and many have recently been collected from oral tradition (cf.

" It is one of the few old romances which have kept alive in oral tradition till the present day, and are still repeated by the Spanish peasantry (cf.

=la hermosa=, according to tradition, was Florinda, daughter of Count Julian.

According to tradition Alfonso, who became afterward King Alfonso VI of Leon and Ca

All this is related to the tradition of the arrival of bearded men, strangely dressed, in the American countries....

The Quinteros maintain worthily a tradition in which the great qualities are wit, concision and fidelity to nature, and up to the present writing these short popular sketches represent possibly the greatest perfection of their accomplishment.

Lack of action is not in harmony with the great dramatic tradition of Spain, and for that reason the reaction against it may be strong.

#tradición#, f. tradition.

" To turn over a manuscript copy of a book to a Chinaman who had already some familiarity with the production of books in China, or who with a given text could carve the blocks according to tradition, was then not a matter of great difficulty.

There is a local tradition to the effect that Adamuz, several centuries ago, boasted of a population of about twenty thousand and was one of the important centers of the Sierra Morena, and that it was swept by an epidemic which carried away almost the entire population.

However, nothing exists in the archives of the Ayuntamiento to confirm or deny the tradition.

=tradición=, f., tradition.

It was cast by the Goths who, according to tradition, threw into the fused metal one of the thirty pieces of silver received by Judas.

The first belonged to the Duke of Arcos; the second is so called, since tradition has it that Cádiz was founded by Hercules.

=conseja=, f., tradition, legend, fable.

Tradition has it that ghosts walk about in the quiet hours of the noonday nap.

According to tradition this Church was established by the Holy Virgin herself who, after a shipwreck off Mount Athos, visited Georgia, converted its chiefs and established the first Christian temple.

54  oraciones de ejemplo con  tradition