7 adjectives to describe lavishness

CHAPTER XV Mavis Argles Vincy had the reputation of spending his fortune with elaborate yet careful lavishness, buying nothing that he did not enjoy, and giving away everything he did not want.

British agents were in constant communication with the Indians at the councils, and they distributed gifts among them with a hitherto unheard-of lavishness.

Her favors distributed with mad lavishness over the four corners of the globe!

Then, after a sumptuous banquet, where the mead flowed with true northern lavishness, Hrothgar and his suite sadly left the hall Heorot in charge of the brave band of strangers, whom they never expected to see again.

Continuing to spend money with regal lavishness, I myself led a simple and retired life, never leaving my rooms in daylight.

In all its characteristics it is childlike,in its intensity, its humility, its untutored expressiveness, its marvellous instincts of truth, and in its very profuseness of giving,filling its caskets with an unchoosing lavishness of pearl and pebble, rose and may-weed, all treasures alike to its newly opened eyes, all so beautiful that there can scarcely be choice among them.

British agents were in constant communication with the Indians at the councils, and they distributed gifts among them with a hitherto unheard-of lavishness.

7 adjectives to describe  lavishness