17 adjectives to describe nausea

" He looked about with an expression of amusement, but Bambi felt actual, physical nausea at the sight of the vivid blue and orange and purple.

And then from many quarters seemed to come a wicked laughter, I leaned against the trunk, with a deadly nausea clutching at my heart.

" "Be it so," said I stoutly, though I felt a dreadful nausea coming over me.

He was not sure whether it was his utter aversion to the man who sat in front of the stove, boasting of his sharp dealing, or a physical illness which affected him, but a horrible nausea came over him.

The green, sweaty leaves, the fat, bloated pods, and the lengths of pythonesque runners produced a mental nausea.

I was supplied with some dried meat and coffee, but the first mouthful occasioned nausea and faintness.

I was supplied with some dried meat and coffee, but the first mouthful occasioned nausea and faintness.

The closing hymn recalled me to myself, always with a shock, or sense of pain, and sometimes even with a temporary nausea.

Its mere application to the skin has often produced uncontrollable nausea and prostration.

The Negro's blood was warm on his hands and wrists, but it was not wholly thatHe had a sensation of rushing forward; of pressure against his ear-drums; a violent nausea; the crowd of curious faces blurred, disappearedhe was drowning in a noisy darkness....

To this day the sight of a blueprint gives Louis Mitchell a peculiar nausea and a fluttering sensation about the heart.

Three days preceding the one appointed for the operation, she was attacked by severe nausea, which lasted two days, and so weakened her that again the doctors were all notified by the attending one, that a further postponement was imperative, and a certain date fixed in November.

It sickened him, filled him with spiritual nausea, a profound disgust for himself and his mastering weakness.

Its poisonous character is amply shown by the distressing prostration and pallor, the dizziness and faintness, with extreme nausea and vomiting, which follow its employment by a novice.

A sudden nausea assailed him and he laid tender hands upon his abdomen.

He took up the long forkit chattered against the pot as he seized itand, overcoming a momentary and inexplicable nausea, impaled the first piece of meat that rolled to the surface.

She replied that she had been troubled with a little nausea and felt weak, but it was nothing serious.

17 adjectives to describe  nausea