9 adjectives to describe procuring

The fruits of muscular exertion procure the fruits of mental effort.

or what advantage would a new orthography procure equivalent to the confusion and perplexity of such an alteration?"Johnson's Grammar before Quarto Dict., p. 4. OBS.

The expense of keeping a house may be reckoned at 30,000 francs (6,000 dollars1,200 pounds) at the lowest; a very considerable sum, when we reflect how little it procures, neither including a carriage nor horses.

Seldom this malady procures death, except (which is the greatest, most grievous calamity, and the misery of all miseries,) they make away themselves, which is a frequent thing, and familiar amongst them.

No effort was spared during the interval which elapsed previous to the recorder presenting his report to the privy-counsela peculiar privilege at that time attached to the officeto procure a mitigation of the sentence.

He spent the winter there, giving himself up with her to every species of sensual indulgence that the most remorseless license could tolerate, and the most unbounded wealth procure.

He then related an instance of a Russian merchant whose wife was attacked by the "Anadyrski bol," and who actually made a winter journey from Gizhiga to Yamska distance of 300 verststo procure a silk dress for which she had asked and which could not be elsewhere obtained!

That portion of capital which is expended in the wages of labour, is only the means by which the capitalist procures to himself, in the way of purchase, the use of that labour in which the power of production really resides.

that thou wilt procure from the world or the like; then thou must encourage thyself with the freeness of the promises, the tender-heartedness of Christ, the merits of His blood, the freeness of His invitations to come in, the greatness of the sin of others that have been pardoned, and that the same God, through the same Christ, holdeth forth the same grace as free as ever.

9 adjectives to describe  procuring